What Are Companion Skills in Starfield?

Your companions can apply their skills when they are stationed somewhere, so it's essential to assign them roles that align with their skills, maximizing their usefulness.


Companions in Starfield do more than just accompany you; they bring their own set of skills and advantages to the game. In this Starfield guide, we'll explain companion skills and how to make the most of them for your crew.

What Are Companion Skills in Starfield?

Every companion possesses one to four skills that can synergize with your own, offering various benefits. Companions can leverage their skills to assist you in combat, enhance your ship's weaponry and fuel efficiency, and even manage outposts on your behalf.

These skills are rated with stars, reflecting the companion's proficiency in that specific skill, ranging from one star (basic) to five stars (master).

Sam Coe in Starfield

How Do Companion Skills Work in Starfield?

Your companions can apply their skills when they are stationed somewhere, so it's essential to assign them roles that align with their skills, maximizing their usefulness.

Companion skills contribute to your endeavors in different ways based on their type. If a companion is stationed on your ship, any ship-related skills they possess benefit the ship directly.

You can confirm that a companion's skills are actively contributing by checking the crew menu where their highlighted skills indicate their active role.

Andreja in Starfield

However, certain skills, although not directly applied to you, still offer indirect advantages. Consider combat skills, for instance. If your companion has Rifle Certification, you won't gain the skill yourself, but they will excel in combat, increasing your team's effectiveness.

The same principle applies to research-related skills like Botany or Geology. While these skills don't transfer to you, your companion will collect relevant samples during field expeditions and present them to you as gifts.

The key to harnessing your companion's skills is proper stationing. If you have a skilled gunfighter, take them on field missions. For piloting experts, assign them to your ship's crew.

How Do I Manage My Crew in Starfield?

Once you grasp the concept of companion skills, you can optimize your crew's performance. To manage your crew and make the most of their skills, navigate to the ship section in the game's menu at the bottom left.

Press Y to access and oversee your crew. Here, you'll find your crew list with their current positions and locations. Select a crew member to view available positions and choose the one that aligns with their skills.

Starfield crew menu

To request a companion to accompany you, assign them to a station through the crew menu, then meet them in person. Select "I'd like you to follow me for a while" to have them join you.

If you wish to part ways, engage in a conversation with them again and select "We should go our separate ways."