Have you ever wondered what DoT is in World of Warcraft? Or perhaps, how DoTs work in WoW or which classes utilize them? Fear not – we're here to elucidate everything there is to know about DoTs.
What Are DoTs and What Do They Mean in WoW?
In World of Warcraft DoT means Damage Over Time, an abbriviation for the full name. In simple terms, DoTs refer to the damage inflicted on your enemy over a specific period, distinct from your overall damage output.
- This type of periodic damage in WoW is often associated with abilities that cause effects such as bleeding, burning, poison, and more.
- DoT means Damage Over Time.
Which WoW Classes Use DoT?
Every playable class in World of Warcraft uses DoT, making it a fundamental aspect of the game. However, its impact varies among classes, with Warlocks, Priests, and Rogues placing a greater emphasis on this mechanic.
What is HoT?
If you're curious about HoT in WoW, it stands for Healing Over Time and functions similarly to DoTs. Druids in World of Warcraft are particularly adept at utilizing HoTs for effective healing over extended durations.
- HoT means Healing Over Time.