What is Rank Protection in Fortnite? Explained!

Ever wondered what rank protection does in Fortnite? Let's find out the answer in this article.

What is Rank Protection in Fortnite? Explained!
Epic Games

In Fortnite, players are always aiming to climb the ranks and reach their goals in ranked mode. But sometimes, even the best players have bad games and lose some of their progress. It can be really frustrating. Luckily, Fortnite's developers have come up with something called Rank Protection to help out. So what is this Rank Protection system in Fortnite? Let's find out!

What is Rank Protection in Fortnite?

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Epic Games /GameLeap

Rank Protection in Fortnite is a daily safeguard that prevents players from losing rank points after a single poor performance.

This feature is automatically activated for the first ranked match of the day, ensuring that even if a player is sent back to the lobby early or fails to secure any eliminations, their rank progress will be protected.

The concept behind Rank Protection is straightforward.

  • When a player enters their first ranked match of the day, the system recognizes this and applies the protection.
  • This means that even if the player performs poorly, they will not lose any rank points.
  • However, this protection only applies to the first match, the next matches will revert to the standard rules, where rank progress can be gained or lost based on performance.



Rank Protection Reset Time

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It's important to note that Rank Protection resets daily at 8 PM ET or 1 AM BST. This means that after the player's first ranked match of the day, the protection will expire, and any additional matches played will be subject to the typical rank progression rules.



Use Rank Protection to Your Advantage

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Epic Games

To make the most of Rank Protection, you can try out these strategies:

  1. Warm-up Match: Use the Rank Protection feature to your advantage by playing your first ranked match of the day as a warm-up, allowing you to get a feel for the current meta and your own performance without the fear of losing rank progress.
  2. Daily Ranked Play: Consider making your first ranked match of the day a regular habit, as this will ensure that you have the safety net of Rank Protection in place.
  3. Risky Plays: If you're feeling confident and know how to effectively use the most powerful items in the current Fortnite chapter, you can take more risks during your Rank Protected match, potentially earning a Victory Royale and gaining significant rank progress.

Understanding and using the Rank Protection feature in Fortnite can really help players out. It means that even if you have a rough game every now and then, you won't drop too much in rank. This lets you focus more on getting better at the game overall and steadily moving up the ranks.
