Where to Find and Catch the Legendary Jetragon in Palworld

Learn the precise location of the legendary Jetragon spawn in Palworld and battle tips including ideal Pals, weapons, and items to defeat and capture this fierce dragon.

Where to Find and Catch the Legendary Jetragon in Palworld
Where to Find and Catch the Legendary Jetragon in Palworld

Jetragon is one of Palworld's most elusive and powerful legendary creatures. This fiery dragon is no easy catch, but capturing it is extremely rewarding. In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover everything you need to know to track down and catch Jetragon and add it to your growing collection of top-tier Pals.



Jetragon Overview

Jetragon in Palworld
Jetragon in Palworld

Before diving into locations and capture strategies, let's quickly summarize Jetragon's key traits:

  • Legendary Dragon Pal
  • Extremely high stats, especially Attack
  • Weak to Ice-type attacks
  • One of the strongest Dragon Type Pals.

As a rare legendary, mastering Jetragon will give you a dominant battle companion and bragging rights. Now let's get to the good stuff.



Where To Find Jetragon in Palworld

Here we have marked the location of Jetragon in Palworld:

 location of Jetragon in Palworld
Location of Jetragon in Palworld

Since Mount Obsidian is an extremely hot zone you'll need protective Heat Resistant Armor equipped to survive exploring here. The closest checkpoint is Beach of Everlasting Summer which can be fast-traveled to.



How to Defeat and Catch Jetragon in Palworld

Now comes the true test - battling and capturing the mighty dragon. Jetragon is an exceptionally challenging fight even for experienced teams. Here are tips for coming out victorious:

  • Use Ice-Type Pals: As a Dragon/Fire-type, Jetragon takes extra damage from Ice creatures. Prioritize Pals like Frostallion, Chillet, Wumpo, and Ice Reptyro in your lineup to counter it.
  • Utilize Long Range Weapons: Bring Assault Rifles to strike safely from a distance without taking too much damage. Craft plenty of ammo beforehand!
  • Level Up Your Pals: Higher-leveled Pals simply have better stats to survive Jetragon's intense assaults. Grind your top Pals before attempting.
  • Stock Pal Spheres: Legendary Pals have extremely low catch rates. Ensure you carry a lot of Pal Spheres to finally secure that capture once its health drops far enough through battle.



Take the fight to slow by alternating between ranged weapon strikes and melee Pal attacks until Jetragon finally goes down. Stay focused and don't give up! With the right preparation and strategy, adding this supreme beast to your collection is an incredible achievement in Palworld.
