Where to Find & Catch Bushi in Palworld?

In this article you will find all the information you need to know about where to find and catch Bushi in Palworld, along with breeding alternatives.

Where to Find & Catch Bushi in Palworld?
Where to Find & Catch Bushi in Palworld?

The fiery samurai-esque Pal Bushi thrives as one of Palworld's most versatile combatants and base assistants. However, pinning down this elusive warrior beast and recruiting him demands knowledge across optimal scouting zones, strategic capture plans, and potential breeding pairs. Arm yourself with this intelligence to claim Bushi with our guide on where to find and how to catch Bushi in Palworld.

Where to Find Bushi in Palworld?

Where to Find Bushi in Palworld?
Where to Find Bushi in Palworld?

Standard Bushi specimens commonly inhabit the volcanic Southeast Islands region. Set navigation points towards the sandy coves around (-117, -491) for routine gathering quests. High-level volcano jungles overflow with hazardous lava and adversaries, so exercise extreme caution while harvesting here.

Bushi Location Palworld
Bushi Location Palworld

Alternatively, an imposing Alpha Bushi rules over the Sealed Realm of the Swordmaster dungeon, reachable after establishing regional teleportation gate access. Stock up on equipment and creatures specifically strong against fire pals before going to fight Bushi. 



How to Catch Bushi in Palworld?

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Bushi's innate fire alignment renders him vulnerable to water-based assaults. Therefore ambush hunting parties should contain a few water-type Pals exploiting this weakness. 

Be sure to monitor team health bars to prevent accidentally defeating Bushi since water moves amplified damage to Fire type Pals. Then once Bushi kneels in exhaustion, quickly switch to high-ranked Pal Spheres and attempt to capture Bushi. If luck is on your side, you will be able to get this Pal in your team.



How to Breed Bushi in Palworld?

Pal Name Breeding Combination  Parent 1  Parent 2 

Celaray + Nitewing

download__12_-removebg-preview.png download__16_-removebg-preview.png

Celaray + Sweepa

download__12_-removebg-preview.png Sweepa

Caprity + Elizabee

download__11_-removebg-preview.png download__24_-removebg-preview.png

Eikthyrdeer + Elizabee

Eikthyrdeer download__19_-removebg-preview.png

Melpaca + Pyrin

download__13_-removebg-preview.png Pyrin_icon

Caprity + Pyrin

download__11_-removebg-preview.png Pyrin_icon

Cinnamoth + Arsox

download__10_-removebg-preview.png Arsox

In summary, this briefing illuminates essential intelligence on securing Bushi either by force or fostering. Now seek out this ultimate achievement to propel your Palworld supremacy onwards and upwards!




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