World of Warcraft SoD will be celebrating the Chinese New Year. The Lunar Festival Holiday starts on January 20 and ends on February 17th, 2024 in Season of Discovery. This guide will explain the quests, rewards, Coin of Ancestry and where to find all Elders in the Lunar Festival Holiday.
Table of Contents
- The Lunar Festival Quest
- Lunar Emissary and Lunar Herald
- Lunar Festival Harbinger
- Lunar Fireworks & Valadar Starsong Quests
- Elune's Blessing Raid Quest: Omen
- What are Coins of Ancestry in WoW Classic?
- All Kalimdor Lunar Festival Elder Locations
- All Eastern Kingdoms Lunar Festival Elder Locations
- All Dungeon Lunar Festival Elder Locations
- Coin of Ancestry Rewards
The Lunar Festival Quest

The Horde and Alliance honor the ancestors of Azeroth across Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. A celebration takes place in Moonglade, offering numerous Coin of Ancestry quests to complete and collect. With these, players in the WoW Season of Discovery can get festive garb, profession patterns, and fireworks.
- If you complete the Lunar Festival World Quests you will earn the "To Honor One's Elders" meta-achievement, part of the "What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been" achievement.
Lunar Emissary and Lunar Herald
The Lunar Emissary for the Alliance and the Lunar Herald for the Horde give the first quests in this WoW holiday festival. These quests can be picked up from the six major cities in World of Warcraft, and they'll give you 5 Cenarion Circle Reputation. You can skip these quests and head to the main Lunar Festival areas in WoW SoD.
Alliance / Lunar Emissary | Darnassus, near the bank and in the Cenarion Enclave (/ way 42, 44) |
Alliance / Lunar Emissary | Ironforge, near the bank and in the Mystic Ward (/ way 31, 61) |
Alliance / Lunar Emissary | Stormwind, near the bank (/ way 54, 66) |
Horde / Lunar Emissary | Orgrimmar, near the bank and in the Valley of Wisdom (/ way 51, 70) |
Horde / Lunar Emissary | Thunder Bluff, near the main lift (/ way 38, 63) |
Horde / Lunar Emissary | Undercity, near the bank (/ way 67, 43) |
Lunar Festival Harbinger
The Lunar Festival Harbinger is located in the primary Lunar Festival areas of each of the six major cities in World of Warcraft Classic, where the Elders assigned to each city can also be found. This starts the quest line that will give you access to Moonglade.
- Darnassus, Cenarion Enclave (/ way 32, 12)
- Ironforge, Mystic Ward (/ way 28, 16)
- Stormwind, Park (/ way 23, 53)
- Orgrimmar, Valley of Wisdom (/ way 42, 32)
- Thunder Bluff, near the main lift (/ way 71, 28)
- Undercity, just inside the main entrance (/ way 65, 36)
Lunar Fireworks & Valadar Starsong Quests
The picked-up Lunar Fireworks quest will ask you to launch 8 Lunar Fireworks, along with 2 Cluster Fireworks. Afterward, you'll have to return to a Lunar Festival Harbinger in any capital city.
These Lunar Fireworks can be bought from a Lunar Festival Vendor, near the Lunar Festival Harbingers.
WoW Classic players have to buy 8 Small Rockets and 2 Rocket Clusters. The color is not important; you can pick any. Feel free to launch them wherever you want.
After you're done and turn in the Lunar Firework Quest, you'll receive 50 Reputation with the Cenarion Circle and the Lunar Festival Invitation. This invitation is imporant because it will take you to Moonglade.
WoW players have to go into the empty moonlight in the middle of the Lunar Festival area and click on the Lunar Festival Invitation. They will be immediately teleported to Moonglade. By following the road heading north, you'll reach Valadar Starsong, completing the Valadar Starsong quest. He will start four quests that allow you to purchase special event items.
- The invitation is active for 24 hours, and the teleportation can be used as much as you need.
- When the Lunar Festival Invitation disappears, you can just redo the Lunar Fireworks Quest.
Elune's Blessing Raid Quest: Omen

Elune's Blessing quest asks you to summon Omen and defeat him. Once you're done, you'll have to return to Valadar Starsong. However, beating Omen won't be easy, as he is a raid-level boss requiring large numbers of players to defeat him. Summon him at the Stormrage Barrow Dens by launching around 20 Cluster Rockets and killing his minions.
To receive the Elune's Blessing buff, WoW SoD players have to stand over the defeated boss for a few seconds.
- Tip: If you get there when Omen is already defeated, all you have to do is stand over his body to complete the quest. No need to beat him yourself or join the battle!
What are Coins of Ancestry in WoW Classic?
The focus of the Lunar Festival involves paying visits to Elders, found in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Each Elder gives SoD players a quest that grants a reward of one Coin of Ancestry and boosts either Horde or Alliance reputation by 50. In a few hours, you will also receive a Lucky Red Envelope with a Lucky Rocket Cluster or Elder's Moonstone.
- Each Elder can only be visited once during the Lunar Festival.
All Kalimdor Lunar Festival Elder Locations
Elder Bladeleaf | Teldrassil, Dolanaar (/ way 57, 60) |
Elder Bladeswift | Darnassus, Cenarion Enclave (/ way 33, 14) |
Elder Starweave | Darkshore, Auberdine (/ |
Elder Riversong | Ashenvale, Astranaar (/ |
Elder Nigtwind | Felwood, Jaedenar (/ |
Elder Skygleam | Azshara, Ravencrest Monument (/ |
Elder Runetotem | Durotar, Razor Hill (/ |
Elder Skyseer | Thousand Needles, Freewind Post (/ w 45, 50) |
Elder Windtotem | The Barrens, Ratchet (/ |
Elder Moonwarden | The Barrens, The Crossroads (/ |
Elder High Mountain | The Barrens, Camp Taurajo (/ |
Elder Grimtotem | Feralas, Lariss Pavillion (/ |
Elder Mistwalker | Feralas, Arena outside Dire Maul (/ |
Elder Bloodhoof | Mulgore, Bridge near Bloodhoof Village (/ |
Elder Thunderhorn | Un'goro Crater, Slithering Scar (/ way 50, 76) |
Elder Bladesing | Silithus, Cenarion Hold (/ way 49, 38) |
Elder Primestone | Silithus, Crystal Vale (/ way 23, 11) |
Elder Proudhorn | Thunder Bluff, Elder Rise (/ way 73, 23) |
Elder Darkhorn | Orgrimmar, Valley of Wisdom (/ |
Elder Dreamseer | Tanaris, Gadgetzan (/ way 51, 28) |
Elder Ragetotem | Tenaris, Valley of the Watchers (/ way 37, 79) |
Elder Stonespire | Winterspring, Everlook (/ way 61, 37) |
Elder Brightspear | Winterspring, Lake Kel'theril (/ way 55, 43) |
Elder Morningdew | Thousand Needles, Mirage Raceway (/ way 79, 77) |
All Eastern Kingdoms Lunar Festival Elder Locations
Elder Snowcrown | Eastern Plaguelands, Light's Hope Chapel |
Elder Windrun | Eastern Plaguelands, Crown Guard Tower |
Elder Meadowrun | Western Plaguelands, Near Weeping Cavern |
Elder Moonstrike | Western Plaguelands, |
Elder Obsidian | Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher |
Elder Graveborn | Tirisfal Glades, Brill |
Elder Darkcore | Undercity, City entrance |
Elder Highpeak | The Hinterlands, Creeping Ruin |
Elder Bronzebeard | Ironforge, Mystic Ward |
Elder Goldwell | Dun Morogh, Kharanos |
Elder Silvervein | Loch Modan, Thelsamar |
Elder Ironband | Searing Gorge, Blackchar Cave |
Elder Dawnstrider | Burning Steppes, Bridge to Flame Crest |
Elder Rumblerock | Burning Steppes, Dreadmaul Rock |
Elder Bellowrage | Blasted Lands, Crater near Dark Portal |
Elder Hammershout | Stormwind City, Park |
Elder Stormbrow | Elwynn Forest, Pond NW of Goldshire |
Elder Skychaser | Westfall, Sentinel Hill, top of the tower |
Elder Starglade | Stranglethorn Vale, Outside Zul'Gurub entrance |
Elder Winterhoof | Stranglethorn Vale, Booty Bay docks |
All Dungeon Lunar Festival Elder Locations
Elder Wildmane | Zul'Farrak, Gahz'rilla's Pool |
Elder Splitrock | Maraudon, Zaetar's Grave |
Elder Starsong | Sunken Temple, Pit of Sacrifice |
Elder Morndeep | Blackrock Depths, The Ring of Law |
Elder Stonefort | Blackrock Spire, Hordemar City |
Elder Farwhisper | Stratholme, Festival Lane |
Coin of Ancestry Rewards
All Lunar Festival Holiday recipe and item quests require Coin of Ancestry, which can be collected from Elders around Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms.
Fariel Starsong in Nighthaven will trade Coin of Ancestry for recipes, which come as quests, depending on your WoW character level. You can redo these quests to obtain copies of all recipes.
- Small Rockets
- Large Rockets
- Cluster Rockets
- Firework Launcher
- Festive Recipes
- Large Cluster Rockets
- Cluster Launcher
Valadar Starsong's quests will allow you to purchase items such as:
- Festival Dumplings
- Festive Lunar Dresses
- Festive Lunar Pant Suits
- Elune's Candle
We hope this guide has cleared up any confusion you might have had about the Lunar Festival Holiday event in WoW Classic SoD. Check out more of our World of Warcraft content!
Special thanks to RenataKane for the info and SS we've used.