In patch 10.2 Blizzard finally added Dragon Isles Pathfinder achievment. It lets you fly around the Dragon Isles on any flying mount you already have!

To get this ability, you need to finish eight different achievements. Doing this will unlock flying on all your game characters. These achievements involve exploring all parts of the Dragon Isles and finishing every part of the main story there.
Zone Campaign Achievements:
First off, you've got to finish the stories in all five areas of the Dragonflight game, including a place called Zaralek Cavern. If you're stuck, peek at your Quest Log and mouse over the Campaign tab. If you've lost a quest by mistake, look for a shield with an exclamation mark on the map to find it again.

Waking Hope
- Complete story in the Waking Shores.

Azure Spanner
- Complete story in the Azure Span.

Embers of Neltharion
- Complete story leading up to and inside the Zaralek Cavern.

Just Don't Ask Me to Spell It
- Complete story in the Thaldraszus.

- Complete story in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
Exploration Achievements:
Then, you have to explore every bit of the six Dragonflight areas. You can do this by flying around on your dragon to uncover every area on the map.

Explore the Emerald Dream
- Explore the Emerald Dream, revealing the covered areas of the world map.

Dragon Isles Explorer
- Explore the regions of the Dragon Isles.

Explore Zaralek Cavern
- Explore Zaralek Cavern, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
If you don't like the new Dragonriding or you miss using your favourite mounts, this is the achievment you must complete. Check out our other WoW Patch 10.2 guides here.