With a new season comes a new meta, and Dragonflight Season 3 is no different! After numerous balance changes and the introduction of new tier sets, items, trinkets, and a brand-new dungeon pool, it's time to take a look at the upcoming healer meta for Patch 10.2.
In this list, we're focusing on how well different healer specs perform in Mythic+ dungeons for Season 3. These healers will be compared based on their raw healing throughput, the utility they bring and their general defensives.
Remember, this list might change over time because the game is always evolving. New strategies and interactions could come up and shake things up. So, here's our Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic+ list, ranking every healing spec:

Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic Plus Healer Tier List:
Tier | Heroes |
S Tier | |
A Tier | |
B Tier | |
C Tier |
C Tier Healer Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Restoration Shamans have not received any major buffs or nerfs for Season 3. While their abilities are strong, a significant part of their value will be covered by Augmentation Evoker. Their new tier set focuses heavily on healing, and given their currently lackluster damage, it's unlikely to impact their effectiveness in dungeon content for Patch 10.2. Additionally, the new dungeon pool doesn't require the dispelling of curses, which affects their overall utility. In summary, Restoration Shamans can still be used in mid-to-high key levels, but they are outperformed by other healers, and their utility is not as necessary due to the rise of Augmentation.
Similar to the previous seasons of Dragonflight, Holy Priests have been overshadowed by Discipline for dungeon content. While Holy Priests are in a much better position in Patch 10.2, they still lack the toolkit required to handle higher-level keystones. Their healing numbers are decent, but they fall short in terms of damage when compared to some other specializations.
The limited mobility of the Priest class may also pose challenges in the new dungeon pool, as many encounters involve a significant amount of movement. In general, Holy Priests are in a good place and can be played, but if you want to make the most of the Priest class, we recommend giving Discipline a try.
B Tier Healer Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Preservation Evokers are in a great spot in Season 3. They have one of the most powerful tier-set bonuses this patch, which boosts their overall spot-healing and damage. The expected melee-focused meta in Season 3 also works to their advantage, as Pres requires tighter positioning to be effective. Additionally, being the only healer with a bleed dispel will be crucial in certain instances.
The only reason Preservation is ranked in the middle of the pack is, similar to Resto Shaman, due to the rise of Augmentation. With Augmentation likely to be in every dungeon group, it becomes challenging for Preservation to find its place. Overall, if you're not exclusively aiming for the perfect meta group, Preservation is shaping up to be one of the strongest healers in Season 3.
A Tier Healer Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Mistweaver Monks are in the best state they've been in throughout the Dragonflight expansion. The class has received small buffs here and there in every patch, and it finally seems like they are going to be able to compete with the rest of the classes. They are the most likely Monk spec to be in the meta, which means that if you want to have abilities like Leg Sweep, Ring of Peace, or the Mystic Touch buff, it's likely to come from a Mistweaver.
They also work incredibly well with Augmentation Evokers, which are still expected to be at the top of the meta for Season 3. Mistweaver brings good damage, strong healing, and amazing utility. The only issue with the spec is that it lacks group-wide external defensive abilities and has limited range.
There is remarkably little to talk about Restoration Druids in Season 3. Not much has changed in their kit and they are as strong as they usually are. Great survivability, amazing utility and competitive healing numbers, they bring everything you need. With the fall of Guardian Druid from the tank meta, it will only increase the value Resto brings to the table. In general, you can't go wrong with Druid in Season 3.
S Tier Healer Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Following their rework, Discipline Priests are poised to be among the top healers of Season 3. They stand out in the healer category because of the exceptional damage they provide to groups, both from their own damage output and the importance of Power Infusion. Although they lack an interrupt and may encounter challenges in encounters requiring mobility, Discipline Priests offer everything you need for your group at the highest level.
The decreased relevance of Shadow Priests also elevates their position significantly when searching for groups in the group finder. While they may be a bit complex to learn, once you master them, you'll be well-prepared for Patch 10.2.
While Holy Paladins received some justified nerfs recently, they are still looking to be the top dog in Season 3. They bring everything you need to be successful in the highest keys - exceptional healing numbers, great defensive utility & control, and most importantly, an interrupt.
They work great with Augmentation Evokers, their dispel profile is great for the new dungeon pool and they bring a Battle Rez. It doesn't look like the other two Paladin specs are going to be making waves in this meta, so Holy is still in a prime position to be the most dominant healer for patch 10.2
As you begin Season 3 in World of Warcraft, keep in mind that the game is always changing. Our list is here to give you good advice, but feel free to adjust as the game evolves. There will be updates in the coming weeks that might affect the meta and the popular strategies & specs may be completely different in a month.
We hope our list has helped you choose your main for the new Mythic+ season in Dragonflight. If you're looking for more helpful information, check out our other guides on our website!