WoW Season of Discovery: All New Molten Core Raid Epic Items

We will go over all of the new World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 Molten Core Epics and how you can get them.

WoW Season of Discovery: All New Molten Core Raid Epic Items

Many players are excited to dive into the hellfire of the Molten Core to defeat Ragnaros and claim some awesome new loot for their characters. Given how many changes were implemented in the beloved World of Warcraft, new epics are also expected among the new runes, abilities, gear, and events. 

With that in mind, we will take a look at all of the new epic-quality items you can get by defeating bosses in the Molten Core in WoW SoD Phase 4


WoW SoD Phase 4 Molten Core Epic Loot

WoW Season of Discovery Molten Core Raid Loot

Among the well-regarded tier sets, the devs at Blizzard also added some cool new items for players to display on their characters as the revamped Molten Core features some interesting design choices and new gear. 

WoW SoD Molten Core Weapons

Item Boss
Faithbringer Garr, Baron Geddon
Fist of the Firesworn Garr, Baron Geddon
Hammer of The Black Anvil Sulfuron Harbinger
Magmadar's Left Claw Magmadar
Earth and Fire Garr, Baron Geddon

WoW SoD Molten Core Armor and Accessories

Item Boss
Hide of the Behemoth Magmadar 
Wristguards of Instability Lucifron, Gehennas, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger
Heart of Golemagg Golemagg the Incinerator 
Magmadar's Horn Golemagg the Incinerator

And that covers all of the new Epic loot that is available in the Molten Core Raid for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4. As time goes on, it is possible for devs to add more items or incentives for players to continue running the instance as other classic raids are slowly added to the game.
