World of Warcraft Season of Discovery has introduced a new 10-man raid with 7 different bosses for you to conquer during Phase 1. Blackfathom Deeps has been fashioned into the first Raid for SoD with more to come in the following phases. You can check out our comprehensive guide for all of the bosses in BFD here.
Since you are capped at level 25 during Phase 1 of Season of Discovery, this raid will introduce you to some basic mechanics and things to look out for when facing other PvE threats. We are providing a quick rundown of what to expect when encountering Baron Aquanis as the first boss of the raid. Let's see what threats lurk in the depths below Ashenvale!

WoW SoD BFD Raid Baron Aquanis Abilities

Baron Aquanis is the 1st boss in the instance for you to take down. This fight will be centered around avoiding his knockback mechanic.

Greater Frostbolt
- Inflicts 185 frost damage and slows the target by 40%.

Bubble Beam
- 10-second cast, knocks back anyone hit by it in front of Baron Aquanis.

Depth Charge
- Debuff that once it expires inflicts 231 frost/arcane damage and knocks back anyone within a close distance.

Torrential Downpour
- Area of effect over a target area, inflicts 115 damage every 2 seconds to anyone standing in it.
WoW SoD BFD Raid Baron Aquanis Encounter

The first boss can be quite tricky as he requires good spacing and adequate positioning. Make sure to clear the room of all enemies as there is a high chance of pulling unwanted mobs. Every member will need to position on separate platforms so that the damage from Torrential Downpour can be mitigated as much as possible.
15 seconds into the fight, Baron Aquanis will cast his first Depth Charge so the player will need to immediately jump in the water to prevent any unnecessary knockbacks onto your group.
30 seconds into the pull, the boss will cast Bubble Beam and slowly turn clockwise. This beam will knock back all melee-range players standing in front of him, so both the tank and DPS should be standing behind him at all times.
Make sure to always spread out when Torrential Downpour is up and avoid knocking back your group and this fight should be easily won.
Joardee has made an amazing video for all of the bosses in Blackfathom Deeps so we highly recommend checking it out for yourselves, here: