World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery was one of the biggest highlights towards the end of 2023 for many fans of the series. In this experimental mode, Blizzard dropped the level cap, introduced new runes that can change your class, and revamped an old Raid to offer a fresh experience for both old and new players. Blizzard has understandably been pretty quiet during the holiday season, and now they are showing some signs of life. A new hotfix to Season of Discovery was just pushed through, aiming to deal with some 'exploits' surrounding the new Void-Touched profession gear. Here is everything you need to know!

WoW Season of Discovery Void-Touched Armor Nerfed
Void-Touched Arnaments are the newest addition to professions in the Season of Discovery. They are Epic items that can be crafted through Leatherworking, Tailoring, or Blacksmithing, and are Blizzard's way of making early-level professions a lot more useful and engaging for their respective level caps. All four Void-Touched items have certain on-use effects, making them a desirable choice for many classes in the Season of Discovery.
The latest hotfix has made a change where you will not be able to use the effects of these items at the same time, adding a shared cooldown between them. This will prevent players from swapping these items and using all of their effects in a short period of time. Here is the listed change by Blizzard Entertainment:
Crafted Void-Touched Armor on-use effects are now exclusive with each other and share a cooldown.
That covers the small hotfix applied to World of Warcraft Season of Discovery on January 6th. It seems Blizzard have finally returned from the holiday season and we expect a lot of big changes ahead of Phase 2 coming soon. For more World of Warcraft news and guides, check out the rest of our website!