The final phase of Season of Discovery is live, and many players are rushing to check out the new Karazhan Crypts dungeon, along with the new gear and features. Phase 7 will also bring the final Vanilla WoW Raid- Naxxramas, prompting players to take on some of the most infamous bosses by making use of new abilities, runes, and gear.
Having said that, we will take a look at the most recent hotfixes for Season of Discovery Phase 7.
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Season of Discovery Phase 7 Changes

Fixed an issue where players are no longer able to accept and complete the Tier 0.5 quests.
Shortened the Injured Adventurer's respawn time for the quest "To the Rescue", so that he becomes available again more rapidly after being rescued and running off. Quest credit should be awarded to players who are dead when the cage is opened and the adventurer is freed.
There is now a Haunted Anvil in the town outside of Karazhan that players may interact with to repair their gear, whether they are living or dead.
Repeatable quests for Remnants of Valor are now available. Players can now pick this quest up from Brother Luctus at Light's Hope Chapel if they have completed the prerequisite quest.
Heart of Doom can now be looted for the repeatable Remnants of Valor quest from the Heart of Doom object that spawns after a Shadow of Doom has perished. These will now only last for a short time after the death of a Shadow of Doom.
The Heart of Doom that spawns after a Shadow of Doom is killed will now last for 5 minutes, giving players more of an opportunity to click it. Once you have successfully looted a Heart of Doom, you may not loot another for 5 minutes.
Argent Dawn Quartermasters and Outfitters now offer all Undead Slaying gloves quests available to your armor type. Previously full sets were locked to the highest armor type a class can wear.
Weighted Consecrated Sharpening Stone can now correctly be applied to Staves.
Karazhan Crypts
Players will now be able to loot a bag containing a Necrotic Rune from every boss and mini-boss.
Shamans can now cleanse the Diseased Corpse.
Mysterious Relics are now Bind on Pickup and Uncommon.

The Darkrider's Spine will now correctly use and benefit from Arrows.

Binding Heal now correctly benefits from and is consumed by Inner Focus.

Fixed an issue where Curse of Agony was not gaining any benefit from Improved Curse of Agony or Amplify Curse.
And that covers all of the hotfixes as posted by Blizzard. You can check out the official notes, here.