The next chapter of Season of Discovery is upon us, and with many players brimming with excitement to see what the Blizzard devs have in store for us, everyone is waiting to discover the many new secrets hidden throughout Azeroth.
With Phase 2 of SoD launching come a lot more runes to find and enhance your character whilst defeating new enemies or completing difficult quests. In this guide, we will take a look at all of the runes that are available for Paladins to use.

WoW SoD Phase 2 Paladin Runes and Locations
Dealing damage with your melee weapon increases your spell power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power for 1 min. In addition, your critical healing spells heal the target for 60% of the healed amount over 12 sec.
Sheath of Light Rune Location
- You will have to locate a Broken Hammer on the ground in Mannoroc Cove, Desolace /way 52.6, 84.8 so you can start The Broken Hammer quest.
- Slay nearby earby Burning Blade Summoners to loot the required Torn Letter, then head to the Stormwind Cathedral to turn in the quest to Katherine the Pure /way 37.8 31.6.
- You will get the A Lost Brother quest that will have you go to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands, and speak to Harold Riggs on the docks.
- You will then have to go to Newman's Landing /way 18.0, 74.5 in Dun Morogh (to reach it, swim south from Wetlands along the coast).
- You will then be ambushed by enemies and loot Orders from the Grand Crusader from them. Accept the Orders from the Grand Crusader quest.
- Return to Stormwind and speak with Katherine the Pure
- You will then have to defeat High Inquisitor Whitemane inside the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral to be able to access her chambers and locate Aeonas the Vindicated.
- Return to Katherine the Pure in Stormwind to turn in the final quest and learn the rune.
Each time you hit a target with your melee weapon, you gain 5% of your maximum mana per 3 sec for 15 sec, but the amount healed by your Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Holy Shock spells is reduced by 50% during this mana regeneration.
Guarded by the Light Rune Location
- You will need to head to Alterac Mountains with another healer who can resurrect you.
- Head into the Ruins of Alterac and click on the skeleton on the south-facing wall to loot the Dormant Holy Rune.

- Cast Divine Intervention on another player. After that, have the healer ressurect you to learn the new rune.
Each time the target takes damage they gain a Sacred Shield, absorbing (36 */ 100) damage and increasing the Paladin's chance to critically hit with Flash of Light by 50% for up to 6 sec. In addition, causes your Flash of Light to heal targets with Sacred Shield for an additional 100% over 12 sec. They cannot gain this effect more than once every 6 sec. Lasts 30 sec. This spell cannot be on more than one target at any one time.
Sacred Shield Rune Location
- You will need to go to Nijel's Point in Desolace at /way 66.5 7.6 and loot the Libram of Deliverance from a book on the bench inside the building.
- Once you have equipped Libram of Deliverance you will have to use Blessing of Freedom to free other players from movement impairing effects five times.
- Once you have completed this requirement, simply right click the equipped Libram of Deliverance to learn the rune.
Increases the range of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom spells by 30 yards and increases your chance to hit by 4%.
Enlightened Judgements Rune Location
- You will need to discover three beads in Arathi Highlands.
- Tarnished Prayer Bead I drops from various humanoid mobs, including Syndicate Rogues, Witherbark Medicine Men, various types of Dark Iron Dwarves, and various Boulderfist Ogres. Purify the bead by casting Blessing of Might and killing an enemy.
- Tarnished Prayer Bead II drops from Boulderfist Ogre West of Refuge Pointe as well. Purify the bead by casting Divine Shield with less than 10% health.
- Tarnished Prayer Bead III drop from Witherbark Shadow Hunter. Purify the bead by using Seal of Justice with Judgement on a fleeing enemy.
- Once you have combined all three of items into a Rosary, bring it to Brother Atticus at Stormgarde Keep to get the rune.
Increases the damage done by your Holy Shock by 20%, and your damaging critical strikes with Holy Shock reset the cooldowns on Holy Shock and Exorcism and refund the cost of Holy Shock.
Infusion of Light Rune Location
- You will need to travel to Deadwind Pass and speak with the Agent Keanna at Ariden's Camp /way 52 35 to get Ariden's Sigil.
- You will need to equip Ariden's Sigil and defeat seven Dark Rider Elites by using the trinket to reveal them. If you see the Dark Presence buff then that means you are near a Dark Rider. (Another player can also equip and use Ariden's Sigil so you can do this with a group).
- Deadwind Pass: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 43 29 and drops Curious Dalaran Relic. -
Swamp of Sorrows: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 69 28 . -
Arathi Highlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 34 35 . -
Badlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 58 54 . -
The Barrens: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 52 36 . -
Desolace: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 65 25 . - It is unknown which Dark Rider drops each of the remaining Relics, but the Relics are as follows: Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Once you have obtained all of the runes, you will have to return to the Agent Keanna and return all of the Dalaran Relics to obtain the rune as a reward.
Your melee critical strikes reset the cooldowns on Holy Shock and Exorcism.
The Art of War Rune Location
- You will need to head to Desolace to get the Highway Robbery quest, northwest of the Kodo Graveyard, /way 47 54.
- Then go to /
way 63 39 , near Kormek's Hut to turn in the quest to Bibbly F'utzbuckle so you can pick up the On the Lam quest. - Then travel to the Booty Bay inn and speak with Tokal and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her Cherry Grog so you can get the No Honor Among Thieves quest.
- Head to Arathi Highlands and interact with a Rowboat under the bridge around /way 53 91 to be teleported to the eastern shore.
- Speak with Illari Duskfeather and defeat her to loot the dropped bag and obtain Illari's Key
- Open the nearby chest and loot the rune.
And these are all of the available Paladin Runes you can get in WoW SoD Phase 2. Paladins have received a lot of powerful runes to make them better tanks as well as some nice additions to their DPS and Healer specs as well.