WoW SoD Phase 2: PvP DPS Tier List

We will be taking a look at the strongest PvP classes and specs in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2

WoW SoD Phase 2: PvP DPS Tier List

With more and more players steadily reaching level 40 and gearing up in the new 10-man Gnomeregan Raid, PvP is starting to become a focal point among the player base.

Given the new PvP Event in Stranglethorn Vale, you can see bloodshed constantly in the jungles amidst the Blood Moon. PvP has always been an important aspect of MMORPGs and WoW is no stranger to just how fun it can be. 

Since SoD is a very experimental experience, this tier list will be updated regurarly to account for the meta changes and balance updates Blizzard implements during the course of Phase 2

WoW SoD Phase 2 PvP Tier List



WoW SoD Phase 2 PvP DPS C-Tier

Currently the worst specs and classes for PvP either because of lack of strong enough gear or simply class limitations that do not favor the current game state. 

Arms Warrior

Arms Warrior

Unfortunately, Warriors in general are rather weak given the abundance of ranged DPS classes and specs. 

You simply lack the tools to reach players in time before you get blasted by enemies, however Warriors should become a powerhouse in the later phases of SoD.

Fury Warrior

Fury Warrior

Similarly to Arms, Fury also lacks the needed tools to get up close and decimate other players. Given the nature of WoW Classic, game imbalances are a staple but as we get deper into SoD, Warriors might get some shiny new toys to play with.

WoW SoD Phase 2 PvP DPS B-Tier

A bit better in terms of utility and damage, however, more is left to be desired. 

Beast Mastery Hunter

Beast Mastery Hunter

Although Hunters can be quite a menace, their reliance on pets might make them a bit weaker as they do not have enough time to dish out their full rotation before getting blasted to smithereens. 

Open-world PvP might prove to be more forgiving for Hunters, however there is still more left to be desired.

Marksmanship Hunter

Marksmanship Hunter

Hunters require a lot of specific conditions to allow them to deal as much damage as possible. Even with the inclusion of the new runes, you will still find it difficult to outdamage your opponents.

Although you can easily target down squishy casters, you will always lose once they get in melee range.


Frost Mage

Frost Mage

Although you can shine in open-world PvP due to the insane amount of AoE damage you can deal, Frost Mages need some more power to make them great in 1v1 scenarios. 

The lack of burst makes it difficult to outdamage opponents especially if you get interrupted several times while channeling. 

Arcane Mage

Arcane Mage

Arcane Mages suffer from the lack of great 1v1 dueling capabilities, however, you can also reliably deal a lot of AoE damage. 

Hopefully Blizzard adds some new ways of Arcane Mages to deal damage and not only rely on being healers to be viable.

Enhancement Shaman

Enhancement Shaman

Enhancement Shamans are not to be slept on, and although you will need to get into melee range, you are capable of 2-shotting most squishy classes.

The new runes also make you a lot tankier if you are doing PvP so you can get in range of blasting your opponents with Windfurry.

Assassination Rogue

Assassination Rogue

Although Rogues can be deemed the best PvP class, Assasination Rogues fall just slightly behind the other specs, however you can still reliably gank and dish out a lot of damage should you get in range of somebody.



WoW SoD Phase 2 PvP DPS A-Tier

These specs are almost perfect for PvP and although they might have some weaknesses, you can't go wrong should you wish to unleash some carnage in Azeroth.

Feral Druid

Feral Druid

Given the recent Boomkin nerfs, Feral Druids have once again risen to the top in terms of damage. Being able to shapeshift between different forms can allow you to sustain the burst damage, allowing you to then close in for the kill.

And with the new BiS gear from Gnomeregan, Feral Druids have a lot of toys to play with so get out there and start ravaging. 

Affliction Warlock

Affliction Warlock

Who doesn't love DoTs? Warlocks are ludicrous if they are able to safely drain away your health while you frantically try to catch up to them.

Their fear also makes it a lot easier to deal with melee classes, and although you might get bursted down, this spec is just slightly weaker from being S-Tier.

Destruction Warlock

Destruction Warlock

Destros can also deal tons of burst damage, making them quite menacing so if you see a Warlock chanelling, you better say goodbye to your health bar. 

You might face some troubles if you get interrupted, but overall you can deal great single-target and AoE damage.

Demonology Warlock

Demonology Warlock

With the new tanking capabilities, you can be quite a powerful foe so once you start draining away the health of other players, almost nothing can stop you.

Although you lack the upfront burst damage, you are still very strong and being able to survive the incoming burst damage will be in your favor in the long run.


Fire Mage

Fire Mage

You have great spells that allow you to dish out burst damage, making this spec much stronger than Frost and Arcane. 

The new items in Phase 2 also make Fire Mages a lot more powerful so if you want to have some fun doing PvP, Fire is the way to go.

Retribution Paladin

Retribution Paladin

Paladins can be quite busted, and although some players are saying that Ret Paladins haven't scaled well in Phase 2, being able to bubble the burst can shift the tide in your favor.

Paladins can very quickly wittle down casters and deal with some melee classes as well.

Combat Rogue

Combat Rogue

A bit beter than Asssasination Rogues, however being able to reach your enemies might be tedious at times. Nonetheless, the damage you deal is insane so make sure to unleash your full potential.

There is nothing more fun that weaving in some sweet finishers between attacks on unsuspecting foes.

Balance Druid

Balance Druid

With the recent nerfs to Boomkin, Druids have finally become more managable as their insane burst damage was simply too powerful. 

Although you deal significantly less damage, you can still be very viable as the low-mana and low-cooldown spells make it difficult for opponents to survive your rotation.



WoW SoD Phase 2 PvP DPS S-Tier

The best of the best, these classes are still very strong and Blizzard might implement some nerfs to make them not as oppressive.

Subtlety Rogue

Subtlety Rogue

The best ganker to ever live in WoW Classic, Rogues are amazing at closing the distance and knocking you out in a mere flash. The amount of damage and utility Subtlety Rogues have is outrageous.

You can always bet on two things in WoW- people standing in the fire, and getting one-shot by a rogue in Stranglethorn Vale.

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shamans are insane due to the incredible amount of burst damage they hold.

You can easily wipe the floor with anybody as long you are able to keep your distance.

Shadow Priest

Shadow Priest

Despite the recent nerfs to Shadow Word: Death you can still reliably deal tons of damage. 

Although there was much consideration to place Shadow Priests in A-Tier, we believe that they are still an amazing class for PvP.

Survival Hunter

Survival Hunter

Melee Hunters are seemingly unstoppable given the crazy amount of damage they can deal.

Although you might find it difficult at times to get into melee range, you can still reliably deploy traps to help you get the upper hand. 




WoW SoD Phase 2 PvP

Overall, this tier list should serve as a general idea of which classes are currently strong in Phase 2.

Since Blizzard is planning on making weekly adjustments to the power level of the different specs, we will make sure to monitor both the community and blue posts and update this tier accordingly.

WoW SoD Phase 2 PvP Tier List
