WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 is here, bringing lots of new content, runes, and changes! The highlight is the 20-man raid Sunken Temple, which seems to be a significant challenge to World of Warcraft players, as acknowledged by Blizzard. In this article, we will explore the best options WoW SoD offers in terms of items, talents, and runes for Enhancement DPS Shaman.
We hope this simple guide helps you understand how to effectively use Shaman kits to top the DPS charts. We will continue to update this guide as the WoW SoD meta evolves and players discover improved ways of using the Shaman's kit. Here are the best runes, talents, pre-BiS, and BiS gear for Enhancement DPS Shaman currently in WoW SoD Phase 3.
WoW SoD Phase 3 Enhancement Shaman
WoW SoD Phase 3 Enhancement Shaman Talents
WoW SoD Phase 3 Enhancement Shaman Runes
- Chest Dual Wield Specialization
- Waist Maelstrom Weapon
- Legs Shamanistic Rage
- Feet Spirit of the Alpha
- Hands Lava Lash
- Head Mental Dexterity
- Wrists Static Shock
WoW SoD Phase 3 Enhancement DPS Shaman Raid Consumables
WoW SoD Phase 3 Enhancement DPS Shaman Pre-BiS
- Rad-Resistant Scale Hood - Leatherworking
- Embrace of the Lycan - Zul'Farrak
- Raging Berserker's Helm - Scarlet Monastery
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Gnomeregan Peace Officer's Torque - Gnomeregan
- Skibi's Pendant - World Drop
- Fire Opal Necklace of the Tiger - Blackrock Depths Coffer
- Selenium Chain of the Tiger - World Drop
- Blood Guard's Mail Epaulets - PvP Rank 7
- Troggslayer Pauldrons - Gnomeregan
- Blackveil Cape - Blackrock Depths
- Grand Cloak of the Bear - World Drop
- Drape of Dismantling - Gnomeregan
Enchantment: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility
- Mixologist's Tunic - Blackrock Depths
- Stone Guard's Mail Armor - PvP Rank 6
- Insulated Chestguard - Gnomeregan
Enchantment: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
- Forest Stalker's Bracers - Warsong Gulch (Exalted)
- Bracers of the Stone Princess - Maraudon
- Experimental Aim Stabilizers - Gnomeregan
Enchantment: Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength
- Bricksteel Gauntlets - Runecloth
- Nightfall Gloves - Disharmony of Fire starts at /w 3.6 48.0 in Badlands
Enchantment: Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility
- Defiler's Chain Girdle - Arathi Basin (Honored)
- Girdle of Beastial Fury - Blackrock Depths
- Ornate Girdle of the Tiger - World Drop
- Insulated Legguards - Gnomeregan
- Ironhide Legguards of Power - World Drop
- Stone Guard's Mail Legplates - PvP Rank 6
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Shadefiend Boots - Blackrock Depths
- Sandstalker Ankleguards - Zul'Farrak
- Gnomebot Operators Boots - Gnomeregan
- Insulated Workboots - Gnomeregan
Enchantment: Enchant Boots - Greater Agility
- Blackstone Ring - Maraudon
- Hypercharged Gear of Devastation - Gnomeregan
- Arctic Ring of the Tiger - World Drop
- Legionnaire's Band - Warsong Gulch (Honored)
- Avenger's Void Pearl - Blackfathom Deeps
- Rune of the Guard Captain - Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at /w 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands
- Gyromatic Experiment 420b - Gnomeregan
Main-Hand Weapon
- Ribsplitter - Random Drop in Blackrock Depths
- Smashing Star of Strength - World Drop
- Bonesnapper - World Drop
- Corpse Harvester of Strength - World Drop)
Enchantment: Enchant Weapon - Strength
Off-Hand Weapon
- Stalvan's Reaper - World Drop
- Smashing Star of Strength - World Drop
- Cogmaster's Claw - Gnomeregan
- Stonevault Bonebreaker - Uldaman
- Corpse Harvester of Strength - World Drop
Enchantment: Enchant Weapon - Strength
- Totem of Invigorating Flame - Gnomeregan
WoW SoD Phase 3 Enhancement DPS Shaman BiS
- Rad-Resistant Scale Hood - Leatherworking
- Embrace of the Lycan - Zul'Farrak
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Bloodstained Charm of Valor - Sunken Temple
- Atal'ai Berserker's Mantle - Sunken Temple
Enchantment: Atal'ai Signet of Might
- Panther Fur Cloak - Sunken Temple
Enchantment: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility
- Ostracized Berserker's Hauberk - Sunken Temple
Enchantment: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
- Void-Powered Invoker's Vambraces - Engineering
- Forest Stalker's Bracers - Warsong Gulch (Exalted)
Enchantment: Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength
- Gloves of the Pathfinder - Winterfall Activity at /w 27.8 34.6 in Winterspring
Enchantment: Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility
- Girdle of Beastial Fury - Blackrock Depths
- Ostracized Berserker's Legplates - Sunken Temple
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Ostracized Berserker's Chain Greaves - Sunken Temple
Enchantment: Enchant Boots - Greater Agility
- Legionnaire's Band - Warsong Gulch (Honored)
- Drakeclaw Band of the Berserker - Sunken Temple
- Breadth of the Beast - 12 Wild Offerings
- Rune of the Guard Captain - Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at /w 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands
- Gyromatic Experiment 420b - Gnomeregan
Main-Hand Weapon
- Cobra Fang Claw - Sunken Temple
Enchantment: Enchant Weapon - Strength
Off-Hand Weapon
- Serpent's Striker - Sunken Temple
Enchantment: Enchant Weapon - Strength
- Totem of Tormented Ancestry - Sunken Temple
And there you have it - everything we know about the best way to build and optimize your Enhancement Shaman character in Season of Discovery Phase 3.