World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 has brought a new and very challenging 20-man raid. Sunken Temple so far is proving quite difficult even for the best of the best, as it seems that the devs have upped the ante this time around.
With that in mind, this guide should help you get a general idea of how to build your Healer Shaman so you can help out your raid and succeed despite all of the scary encounters in the temple. We will show you the best runes, talents, pre-BiS, and BiS gear for Shamans currently in Phase 3.
WoW SoD Phase 3 Resto Shaman
WoW SoD Phase 3 Resto Shaman Talents
WoW SoD Phase 3 Resto Shaman Runes
- Chest Overload
- Waist Maelstrom Weapon
- Legs Shamanistic Rage
- Feet Spirit of the Alpha
- Hands Water Shield
- Head Mental Dexterity
- Wrists Riptide
WoW SoD Phase 3 Resto Shaman Raid Consumables
- Greater Arcane Elixir / Lesser Arcane Elixir
- Atal'ai Mojo of Life
- Major Mana Potion
- Nightfin Soup
- Wizard Oil / Lesser Wizard Oil
Although it is not yet clear whether Wizard Oil will be more efficient than Windfury Weapon, you should experiment to see which you prefer.
WoW SoD Phase 3 Resto Shaman Pre-BiS
- Glowing Hyperconductive Scale Coif (Leatherworking)
- Gneuro-Linked Arcano-Filament Monocle (Tailoring)
- Soothsayer's Headdress (Maraudon)
- Spellpower Goggles Xtreme Plus (Engineering)
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Pendant of Homecoming (Gnomeregan)
- Piston Pendant Piston Pendant (Gnomeregan)
- Horizon Choker Horizon Choker (World Drop)
- Triune Amulet Triune Amulet (Scarlet Monastery)
- Mantle of Lost Hope (Blackrock Depths)
- Lead Surveyor's Mantle (Blackrock Depths)
- Ironfeather Shoulders (Leatherworking)
- Kentic Amice (Blackrock Depths)
- Deep Woodlands Cloak (Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions starts in The Hinterlands)
- Cloak of Invention (Gnomeregan)
- Cape of Hemostasis (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
- Electromantic Chainshirt (Gnomeregan)
- Deathchill Armor (Razorfen Downs)
Enchantment: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
- Dryad's Wrist Bindings (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
- Manacle Cuffs (The Love Potion, starts in Blackrock Depths)
- Aristocratic Cuffs (World Drop)
Enchantment: Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect
- Ogreseer Fists (Blackrock Depths)
- Greenleaf Handwraps (Separation Anxiety, starts at 79.0 79.6 in The Hinterlands)
- Wanderer's Gloves of Healing (or similar item with up to +40 Healing, World Drop)
- Deathmage Sash (Razorfen Downs)
- Mech-Mender's Sash (Gnomeregan)
- Ornate Girdle of Healing (or similar item with up to +46 Healing, World Drop)
- Senior Designer's Pantaloons (Blackrock Depths)
- Stone Guard's Inscribed Legplates (PvP Rank 6)
- Stoneweaver Leggings (Uldaman)
- Emerald Laden Leggings (Nightmare Incursions)
- Electromantic Gambeson (Gnomeregan)
- Searingscale Leggings (Blackrock Depths)
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- First Sergeant's Inscribed Sabatons (PvP Rank 5)
- Irradiated Boots (Gnomeregan)
- Southsea Mojo Boots (Southsea Shakedown, starts in Tanaris /way 67.0 23.8)
- Emerald Laden Boots (Nightmare Incursions)
Enchantment: Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
- Hypercharged Gear of Conflagration (Gnomeregan)
- Runed Ring of Intellect (Random Drop in Zul'Farrak)
- Cyclopean Band (Blackrock Depths)
- Brainlash (Zul'Farrak)
- Advisor's Ring (Warsong Gulch – Honored)
- Miniaturized Combustion Chamber (Gnomeregan)
- Acolyte's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
- Invoker's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
- Gniodine Pill Bottle (Gnomeregan)
Main-Hand Weapon
- Glimmering Gizmoblade (Gnomeregan)
- Gear-Mender's Grace (Gnomeregan)
- Charstone Dirk (Maraudon)
- Dagger of Willing Sacrifice (Blackfathom Deeps)
- Blesswind Hammer of Healing (or similar item with up to +31 Healing, World Drop)
Off-Hand Weapon
- Dielectric Safety Shield (Gnomeregan)
- Bloodstorm Barrier (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
- Hypnotic Blade (Scarlet Monastery)
- Totem of Invigorating Flame (Gnomeregan)
- Carved Driftwood Icon (Blackfathom Deeps)
WoW SoD Phase 3 Resto Shaman BiS
- Soulcatcher Crown (Sunken Temple)
- Visage of the Exiled (Sunken Temple)
- Glowing Hyperconductive Scale Coif (Leatherworking)
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Perfectly Preserved Dragon's Eye (Sunken Temple)
- Jin'do's Lost Locket (Sunken Temple)
- Wailing Chain Mantle (Leatherworking)
- Membrane of Dark Neurosis (Leatherworking)
Enchantment: Atal'ai Signet of Serenity
- Featherskin Drape (Sunken Temple)
- Hukku's Hex Cape (Sunken Temple)
- Eternal Embrace of the Wind Serpent (Sunken Temple)
- Shunned Devotee's Chainshirt (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
- Atal'ai Medicine Man's Wrists (Sunken Temple)
- Void-Powered Invoker's Vambraces (Engineering)
- Dryad's Wrist Bindings (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
Enchantment: Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect
- Atal'ai Hexxer's Gloves (Sunken Temple)
- Devotee's Sash of the Emerald Dream (Sunken Temple)
- Deathmage Sash (Razorfen Downs)
- Stone Guard's Inscribed Legplates (Sunken Temple)
- Shunned Devotee's Legguards (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Corrupted Spiritweaver's Sabatons (Sunken Temple)
- Shunned Devotee's Scale Boots (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
- Drakeclaw Band of the Blood Prophet (Sunken Temple)
- Drakeclaw Band of the Harbinger (Sunken Temple)
- Ancestral Voodoo Doll (Stranglethorn Vale PvP Event)
- Acolyte's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
- Miniaturized Combustion Chamber (Gnomeregan)
- Tor Kieldaz (Sunken Temple)
Main-Hand Weapon
- Witch Doctor's Stick of Mojo (Sunken Temple)
- Hubris, the Bandit Brander (Sunken Temple)
Off-Hand Weapon
- Dielectric Safety Shield (Gnomeregan)
- Hypnotic Blade (Scarlet Monastery)
- Carved Driftwood Icon (Blackfathom Deeps)
And that covers everything we know about the best way to build and optimize your character in Season of Discovery Phase 3 so you can be one of the best Healers in your raid so best of luck, Champions of Azeroth!