WoW SoD Phase 4: Hunter, Mage and Warlock Changes Coming Soon

We will take a look at the recent news regarding the class updates for World of Warcraft SoD Phase 4 PTR.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4: Hunter, Mage and Warlock Changes Coming Soon

A lot of exciting news surrounding the release of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4. With many players taking part in the PTR, one of the senior devs recently shared that they have planned a lot of class changes, specifically targeted toward the Hunter, Mage, and Warlock classes. 

Given the backlash from previous phases, the WoW Classic community is a bit skeptical about the final phase of SoD, however, given the new approach by the dev team, things might be looking up. Although Season of Discovery is very experimental in nature, it showed great success and popularity, which could possibly result in a similar version of World of Warcraft in the near future.



WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4 Class Changes

WoW SoD Phase 4 Hunter, Mage, and Warlock Changes

In a recent social media post, the Senior Game Producer Josh Greenfield stated that they have been experimenting with various balance and system changes for the Hunter, Mage, and Warlock classes, with more updates possibly coming as well.

To manage expectations, we are going to try and get Hunter, Mage, and Warlock changes into your hands with this week's PTR build (arriving in the next day or so, barring some sort of unforeseen issue like we had last week), with some additional adjustments to other classes coming a bit later in the week likely via hotfixes to PTR. When we get the current slate of adjustments out, then we'll look to turn on world buffs on PTR. 

It is great to hear that the WoW Classic team is taking feedback from players directly and playing around with different concepts to provide a more fun and exciting experience for players in the final phase of Season of Discovery

From the post itself, we can gather that the devs have put a lot of thought into Phase 4 by borrowing ideas from players as well as trying out different approaches to see what feels right to each class archetype. 



WoW SoD Phase 4 Preview Video Coming Soon

wow sod phase 4 preview

The Senior Game Producer also hinted that we can expect more information from the WoW team this week. 

Oh also, you might want to keep an eye on the Warcraft youtube channel this week :)

It seems that the community is slowly starting to embrace the final phase of Season of Discovery, as the devs have put a lot of work and passion into the project, specifically targeting the major pain points that the players have been complaining about.

Having that in mind, we might see a possible redemption arc from Blizzard, especially given the fact that WoW Vanilla is renowned for its very fun endgame content, specifically the difficult raids and world PvP. Hopefully, the devs are able to deliver a great experience, similar to the hype surrounding Phase 1 of Season of Discovery.
