WoW The War Within 11.1.5 PTR Development Notes

We will take a look at the most recent updates for the next World of Warcraft patch.

WoW The War Within 11.1.5 PTR Development Notes
Blizzard Entertainment

While players are busy grinding the new season, the World of Warcraft devs are busy working on the next major patch for The War Within. Some players are also lending a hand by checking out the available PTR content, and providing feedback to the WoW team.

Having said that, let's go over the most recent PTR development notes so we can get a better idea of what to expect once the next patch goes live.



The War Within 11.1.5 PTR Development Notes

The War Within
Blizzard Entertainment

Horrific Visions Revisited

Thank you so much for your feedback on the corruption themed enchants from the Horrific Visions. In this week’s PTR update you will notice a few changes:

  • We have decided to move the enchantments to the Helm slot. This should allow all classes to get to use them.
  • We did consider Embellishments but as noted balanced against existing embellishments would still have some players and specs feel that the 11.0 effects are better and not allow them to partake.
  • With this change we are going to double down on the enchants being an extension of the Horrific Visions Revisited feature.
    • Players will see a quest that now follows the introduction quests that will allow you to unlock the enchants. These work similar to the cloak quests of the past where the second will ask players to venture further into the visions.
    • We’re currently planning to keep these enchants working until the end of season 2.
  • The enchants are also going to be available for free on the PTR via Trinketaur in this next build.

Warbound Drop Unlock 

  • We have added new items that will unlock the Veteran and Champion drops in Horrific Visions to be Warbound until Equipped.
  • These are found on the Champion and Heroic weapon vendors and unlocked by the same conditions.

Fixed Skip Areas 

  • Areas where players try to skip through void corruption now damage through immunities.
  • Some additional spawns have been added on alternative paths.

Construct of Soridormi: Healer 

  • Should no longer apply damage over time effects on enemies that haven’t been hit by the player.
  • Construct of Soridormi will now run around the player instead of running away when they get aggro.


WoW The War Within
Blizzard Entertainment 

Cooldown Manager

  • Mouseover tooltips are added in Edit Mode options.

Known Issues

  • Some areas within Group Finder are not working properly in this PTR build.

And that covers all of the major developments so far. It is great to see that Blizzard is finally working on an alternative for WeakAuras, however, some of the playerbase is skeptical whether the devs will be able to provide a better alternative to Addons. Nonetheless, 11.1.5 is looking to provide some major improvements to the Horrific Visions that were first added in Battle for Azeroth. 

In the meantime, you can check out the official notes, here.




World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Released in 2004, the game is set in the high-fantasy world of Azeroth, where players create characters and embark on quests, battle monsters, and interact with other players. WoW features a vast, open world filled with diverse regions, dungeons, and raids. The game includes various classes and races, each with unique abilities and playstyles. World of Warcraft is known for its deep lore, engaging gameplay, and vibrant community. The game receives regular updates and expansions, introducing new content, storylines, and gameplay mechanics.

Release Date
Nov 23, 2004
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
ESRB Rating