The War Within has been live for some time as many players are busy trying out the changes that were added to their mains, whether Hero Talents, new gear, having fun in Delves or tryharding Heroics, World of Warcraft has plenty to offer.
Given how massive the expansion is, it can be a bit overwhelming to keep track of all of the updates, especially so early into the game, but the devs are working hard on balancing both PvE and PvP via their scheduled weekly maintenance. With that in mind, we will take a look at all of the upcoming WoW class tuning that will roll out next week.
Table of Contents
- WoW The War Within Class Tuning (September 3, 2024)
- Death Knight Changes
- Druid Changes
- Evoker Changes
- Hunter Changes
- Mage Changes
- Paladin Changes
- Priest Changes
- Shaman Changes
- Warlock Changes
- WoW The War Within PvP Changes (September 3, 2024)
- Druid Changes
- Mage Changes
- Monk Changes
- Priest Changes
- Shaman Changes
- Warrior Changes
WoW The War Within Class Tuning (September 3, 2024)

We will go over all of the upcoming changes to World of Warcraft's The War Within expansion.
Death Knight Changes

- Frost Strike damage reduced by 6%. Does not apply to PvP.
- Obliterate damage reduced by 6%. Does not apply to PvP.
- Icy Death Torrent damage reduced by 10%.
- Glacial Advance damage reduced by 10%. Does not apply to PvP.
Druid Changes

- Umbral Intensity increases the damage of Wrath by 20/40% (was 25/50%) and Starfire by 15/30% (was 50%).
- Starsurge damage increased by 12%.
- Starfall damage increased by 20%.
- Harmony of the Heavens increases Eclipse power by 2% per proc, max 6% (was 1% per proc, max 5%).

- Bloodtalons and Lion’s Strength now also increase the damage of Rampant Ferocity.
Evoker Changes

- Engulf damage increased by 30%.
Hunter Changes

- Vicious Hunt damage increased by 10% for Beast Mastery.
- Vicious Hunt damage decreased by 10% for Survival.
Developers’ notes: When Vicious Hunt’s damage reaches a certain point, it can cause Kill Command to dominate Survival’s rotation. This adjustment and subsequent compensation are meant to ensure Pack Leader Survival Hunters are utilizing the other tools at their disposal.
- Howl of the Pack critical strike damage bonus increased to 5% for Beast Mastery (was 3%).
- Howl of the Pack critical strike damage bonus increased to 11% for Survival (was 7%).
- Furious Assault damage bonus increased to 60% for Survival (was 30%).
- Cull the Herd damage over time increased to 60% for Survival (was 30%).
Mage Changes

- Living Bomb damage increased by 30%.
- Pyroblast damage increased by 5%.
- Flamestrike damage increased by 10%.

- Frostfire Bolt damage increased by 25% for Fire.

- Burden of Power can no longer be double dipped by spell queueing.
- Arcane Phoenix damage dealt reduced by 10% for Arcane.
- Arcane Soul base duration reduced to 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).
Paladin Changes

- Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment reduced by 10%. For example, at level 80, 180 Mastery rating now grants 1.35% Mastery (was 1.5%).
- All Holy spell damage increased by 5%.
Priest Changes

- Oracle Discipline Priests’ Preventive Measures now increases Power Word: Shield absorption by 40% (was 25%). Does not apply to PvP.
- Atonement healing increased by 100% outside raid (was 70%). Does not apply to PvP.
- Fixed an issue where Atonement critical healing was not increased by the correct amount outside of raid.
- Shadow Word: Pain and Purge the Wicked damage increased by 20%.

- Voidweaver Shadow Priests’ Void Blast damage increased by 20%.
Shaman Changes

- Mastery: Elemental Overload’s bonus to all Elemental and Physical damage increased by 35%.
- All damage reduced by 6%.

- All damage reduced by 4%.
- Elemental Blast damage increased by 12%.

- Tremor damage increased by 10%.
- Searing Volley damage increased by 80%.
Warlock Changes

- All ability damage increased by 5%.
WoW The War Within PvP Changes (September 3, 2024)

Druid Changes

- Lunar Calling now increases Starfire damage by 50% in PvP combat (was 65%).
- Umbral Embrace now increases the damage of Wrath and Starfire by 40% in PvP combat (was 75%).

- Taste For Blood’s damage increase to Ferocious Bite during Tiger’s Fury is decreased by 50% in PvP combat.
- Saber Jaws effectiveness now reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
Mage Changes

- Ice Lance damage increased by 45% in PvP combat (was 75%).
Monk Changes

- Manifestation is now 50% effective in PvP combat.

- Chi Burst damage reduced by 30% for Brewmaster Monks in PvP combat.

- Peaceweaver now reduces the cooldown of Revival by 33% (was 50%).
- Life Cocoon is now 30% more effective in PvP combat.
- Enveloping Mist can no longer be dispelled.
Priest Changes

- Prayer of Mending healing increased by 65% in PvP combat.
Shaman Changes

- Lava Lash damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.
- Stormstrike and Windstrike damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.
- Windfury Attack damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.
Warrior Changes
- Thunderous Roar damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.

- Auto attack damage no longer decreased by an additional 12% in PvP combat.

- Odyn’s Fury damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
And that covers all of the changes coming to World of Warcraft The War Within. Some very welcome balance updates as some classes have been overperforming, whilst others were put in the dust. Hopefully, Blizzard will be able to adjust the PvE and PvP experience consistently to ensure a smooth and fun experience for everyone involved. You can check out the official patch notes, here.