World of Warcraft The War Within is getting its first major patch coming alongside WoW's 20th Anniversary event. Not only will players be able to dive deep into the nostalgia of the MMORPG but they will also score some cool new loot, and cosmetics and get to experience a revamped dungeon.
Aside from the festivities, a lot of major PvE class balancing will also be implemented for the classes in the game, as we will go over the massive update Hunters will receive when the 11.0.5 patch rolls out.
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WoW 11.0.5 Hunter Class Changes

- New Talent: Deathblow – Kill Command/Aimed Shot has a 10% chance to grant Deathblow. Deathblow: The cooldown of Kill Shot is reset. Your next Kill Shot can be used on any target, regardless of their current health.
Developer's note: Each Hunter specialization has a way to generate Deathblow, but only Marksmanship referred to it as Deathblow. These changes are meant to unify the Deathblow design while still allowing each specialization to interface with it in a unique way.
- Steady Shot now generates 10 Focus baseline for all specs.
- Tranquilizing Shots empowered by Kodo Tranquilizer will now prioritize players.
- Updated animations for Volley and Rapid Fire.
- Deathblow has been removed.

Dark Ranger
- New Talent: Bleak Arrows – Your auto shot now deals Shadow damage. Your auto shot has a 20%/8% chance to grant Deathblow.
- New Talent: Phantom Pain – When Kill Command/Aimed Shot damages a target affected by Black Arrow, 8% of the damage dealt is replicated to each other unit affected by Black Arrow.
- New Talent: Banshee's Mark – A Murder of Crows now deals Shadow damage and casting Black Arrow has a 25% chance to summon A Murder of Crows on your target.
- New Talent: The Bell Tolls – Black Arrow is now usable on enemies with greater than 80% or less than 20% health.
- New Talent: Shadow Dagger – While in combat, casting Disengage releases a fan of daggers at nearby enemies, dealing very low Shadow damage and slowing affected targets by 30%.
- New Talent: Bleak Powder – Casting Black Arrow while Beast Cleave/Trick Shots is active causes Black Arrow to explode upon hitting a target, dealing moderate damage to nearby enemies.
- New Talent: Soul Drinker – When an enemy affected by Black Arrow dies, you have a 10% chance to gain Deathblow.
- Black Arrow has been redesigned – Kill Shot is now replaced with Black Arrow. Black Arrow: You attempt to finish off a wounded target, dealing high Shadow damage and low Shadow damage over time for 10 seconds. Only usable on enemies with less than 20% health.
- Withering Fire has been redesigned – Every 3 casts of Bestial Wrath/While Trueshot is active, you surrender to darkness for 12 seconds. When you gain Deathblow, and Black Arrow automatically fires at your target and two additional Black Arrows at 50% effectiveness.
- Shadow Surge has been redesigned – Periodic damage from Black Arrow has a small chance to erupt in a burst of darkness, dealing moderate Shadow damage to all enemies near the target. Damage reduced beyond 8 targets.
- Visual effects updated for Shadow Surge, Bleak Powder, Withering Fire, and Black Arrow.
- The following talents have been removed:

Pack Leader
- Scattered Prey duration increased to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).

- Lunar Storm’s visual effects have been updated.
Beast Mastery Hunter

Beast Mastery
- New Talent: Snakeskin Quiver – Your auto shot has a 15% chance to also fire a Cobra Shot.
- New Talent: Serpentine Rhythm – Casting Cobra Shot increases its damage by 25%, stacking up to 4 times. Upon reaching 4 stacks, the bonus is removed, and you gain 8% increased pet damage for 8 seconds.
- New Talent: Barbed Scales – Casting Cobra Shot reduces the cooldown of Barbed Shot by 2 seconds.
- Cobra Senses has been redesigned – Now reduces the Focus cost of Cobra Shot by 5 and increases its damage by 35%.
- Hunter's Prey has been redesigned – Kill Shot will strike 1 additional target and deal 10% increased damage for each of your active pets. Stacks up to 5 times.
- Multi-Shot damage increased by 300%.
- Barbed Shot damage increased by 100%.
- Barbed Shot cooldown increased to 18 seconds (was 12 seconds) and duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Barbed Shot's pet frenzy duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Thrill of the Hunt duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Pack Tactics energy regeneration increased to 125% (was 100%). Pack Tactics now replaces Steady Shot.
- Animal Companion no longer reduces the damage of all your pets by 35%.
- The following pet ability damage has been reduced by 35%:
- Training Expert is now a 1-point talent.
- The following talents have been removed:

Dark Ranger
- Shadow Hounds has been updated – When summoning a Dire Beast, you have a 25% chance to also summon a Shadow Hound. Shadow Hounds now have Beast Cleave for their duration.
Marksmanship Hunter

- New Talent: Pin Cushion – Casting Steady Shot reduces the cooldown of Aimed Shot by 2 seconds. Choice node with Improved Steady Shot.
- New Talent: Improved Deathblow – Aimed Shot now has a 15% chance and Rapid Fire now has a 25% chance to grant Deathblow. Kill Shot’s critical strike damage is increased by 25%.
- Improved Steady Shot has been updated – Now makes Steady Shot grant an additional 10 Focus.
- Precise Shots renamed to Precise Shot and has been updated – Now empowers your next cast of Arcane Shot, Chimera Shot, or Multi-Shot to deal 100% increased damage (was 2 casts at 70% bonus).
- Steady Focus has been updated – Casting Steady Shot increases your Haste by 8% for 15 seconds (was casting Steady Shot twice in a row).
- Steady Focus no longer plays its visual effects when it is refreshed.
- Trueshot now reduces the focus cost of Aimed Shot baseline.
- Barrage Rapid Fire effectiveness increased to 40% (was 30%).
- Razor Fragments is now a rolling periodic.
- Master Marksman now benefits from Unnatural Causes.
- Wailing Arrow no longer consumes Trick Shots.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Wailing Arrow from benefitting from Hydra's Bite.
- Nerub-ar Palace 4-set bonus updated – Consuming Precise Shots increases the damage of your next Aimed Shot by 20% (was 10%).
- Nerub-ar Palace 4-set bonus no longer stacks (used to stack 2 times).
- Nerub-ar Palace 4-set bonus will no longer be inconsistently consumed by Trick Shots-empowered Aimed Shots.
- Nerub-ar Palace 4-set bonus will now consistently benefit all damage instances of a Trick Shots-empowered Aimed Shot.
- Nerub-ar Palace 4-set bonus will now behave properly with spell-queued Arcane Shots and Multi-Shots.
- The position of Unerring Vision and Calling the Shots has swapped.
- Eagletalon's True Focus has been removed.
Survival Hunter

- Ruthless Marauder has been redesigned – Fury of the EagleFury of the Eagle's damage is increased by 10% and damage from Fury of the Eagle has a 20% chance to generate a stack of Tip of the Spear. When Fury of the Eagle ends, your Haste is increased by 8% for 10 seconds. Now a 1-point talent.
- Merciless Blow has been redesigned – Butchery causes affected targets to bleed for heavy damage over 8 seconds.
- Sic 'Em has been updated – Kill Command’s chance to grant Deathblow is increased to 15% and Deathblow now makes Kill Shot strike up to 2 additional targets. Your chance to gain Deathblow is doubled during Coordinated Assault.
- Exposed Flank has been updated – Now empowers your next Kill Command to deal 50% increased damage, strike 3 targets, and generate a Tip of the Spear stack for each target it hit.
- Grenade Juggler has been updated – Now resets the cooldown of Explosive Shot instead of automatically firing it.
Developer's note: By allowing you to manually fire Explosive Shot, we can open up this talent’s ability to synergize with existing effects (like Grenade Juggler’s own cooldown reduction) while also eliminating some frustrating edge-cases.
- Butchery damage increased by 50%.
- Butchery no longer has charges and its cooldown has been increased to 15 seconds.
- Fury of the Eagle damage increased by 25%.
- Fury of the Eagle channel time reduced to 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Fury of the Eagle now consumes a stack of Tip of the Spear when the channel begins, and the damage bonus will persist for the duration of the channel.
- Kill Command resets no longer reduce the cooldown of Fury of the Eagle.
- Tip of the Spear’s consumption grace period has been reduced to 0.3 seconds (was 0.7 seconds).
- Relentless Primal Ferocity now grants 2 additional stacks of Tip of the Spear (was 1).
- Frenzy Strikes Wildfire Bomb cooldown reduction per target hit increased to 3 seconds (was 1 second).
- Killer Companion now increases Kill Command’s damage by 10/20% (was 5/10%).
- Bombardier’s aura is now removed at more reasonable times.
- Spearhead’s cast animation now blends with other animations.
- Spearhead will no longer go on cooldown if the pet is out of range.
- Ranger and Terms of Engagement have swapped positions in the talent tree.
- Harpoon will now find an appropriate destination during the Rasha'nan fight in The Dawnbreaker dungeon.

Pack Leader
- Howl of the Pack now also increases Wildfire Bomb damage by 20%.
- Wild Attacks now also increases the damage of Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite by 20%.

- Symphonic Arsenal damage increased by 200%.
And that covers all of the Hunter changes for the upcoming 11.0.5 Patch for World of Warcraft The War Within. You can check out the official patch notes, here.