With less than a month away, Patch 11.1 is looking to shake things up on Azeroth. Not only are we getting massive class changes, but also many other QoL features, new systems, and goodies to satisfy WoW players of every creed. The "Undermine(d)" patch brings a new raid tier, massive Mythic+ overhauls, cosmetics, achievements and improvements following the somewhat successful release of The War Within.
With that in mind, we will go over all of the different updates that have been added to the World of Warcraft Public Test Realm (PTR) for The War Within.
Table of Contents

- Fixed an issue that would result in you getting stuck in place when travelling at high speeds and colliding with certain surfaces.
- Fixed a set of issues affecting players after dismounting, including a bug that could cause the player to unintentionally spin around and a bug that could cause players to turn slower than usual.
- Resolved several other animation and sound issues.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Turbo from being earned under some intended conditions.
- Reset Race should now also reset your speed.
- Added a bounce effect for the G-99 Breakneck when it hits walls. The harder you hit, the farther you bounce!
- Difficulty levels of tiers 9, 10, and 11 have been lowered.
Developers’ notes: In season 1, tiers above 8 were meant purely for players who wanted a challenge. Now that we have more desirable rewards such as Gilded Crests on tier 11 we wanted to review the difficulty levels of these tiers along with our philosophy behind them. We had previously balanced them with the thought that tier 11 would be a challenge for all players in the game, even up to the high mythic levels. In season 2 we are changing our philosophy for tier 11 to be the highest challenge for delve players, which means it is balanced around what fully upgraded gear players can get within the delve ecosystem as opposed to the entire game.
- Tank Brann will now receive 50% reduced healing while unconscious.
Developers’ notes: The creation of tank Brann means healers have a version of Brann where they can focus on healing and have aggro properly pulled off of them. In testing tank Brann we found that it was so easy to get him back up from unconscious with base healing that it meant there was no penalty for failing to heal him and therefore a lack of a challenge for healers focusing on this spec. We’ve lowered the healing he receives while unconscious to encourage healers to use their full kit to keep Brann alive.

Raid Rewards
- Torq's Big Red Button retuned as a 2 minute effect (was 3 minutes).
- Flarendo's Pilot Light retuned as a 2 minute effect (was 3 minutes).
Operation: Floodgate
- Weapon and armor secondary stats have been adjusted.
User Interface and Accessibility
- The Event Scheduler now displays appropriate messaging when the list is empty.
And that covers all of the changes added to the World of Warcraft 11.1 PTR. You can check out the official notes, here.