Wuthering Waves: Best Yangyang Build Guide

In this guide, we will show you the best build for Yangyang in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves: Best Yangyang Build Guide
Kuro Games

Yangyang is one of the standard 4-star characters in Wuthering Waves that you can obtain through the Permanent Convene and for free at the beginning of the game. She's an Aero Sword user who focuses on providing energy for the team as well as grouping enemies together.

In this guide, we'll show you the best way to build her so you can have the best hybrid/support character possible for your team.

Yangyang Introduction

yang_card.webp Element: set_4.webp
Weapon: Sword
Role: Hybrid/Support
Yangyang Rarity: 4 Star
Stats (LvL 90)
HP 10200
ATK 250
DEF 1100
Energy 100
C. RATE 5%
C. DMG 150%
Healing Bonus 0%
Aero DMG 0%

Yangyang is a support/hybrid character who uses her Outro skill to recover Energy for the next character rather than providing a Deepen buff.

In most games, characters that can recover energy for their teammates are always strong, but in Wuthering Waves, it's tough to determine her power without seeing her used by more players.

Yangyang is one of the only characters in the game with an offensive Outro that retains its effect even after the receiving character swaps, allowing her to be built as a hybrid or support.

To play her as a support, you can utilize a weapon that triggers a heal after releasing her ultimate, allowing her to employ the powerful 5P Rejuvenating Glow set, which had few viable users at the time of release (despite being ridiculously effective).

Wuthering Waves Yangyang
Kuro Games

Yangyang has two viable playstyles, a potentially powerful Outro, and various enemy-gathering abilities, the best of which is her extremely cheap 100-cost ultimate, which can help group enemies for easier AoE, doubling down on her supportive benefits.

Yangyang is free, so anticipate receiving some of her Sequences, which will enhance her kit. Her S4 boosts the gathering effect of her abilities, while her S6 gives the entire squad an ATK boost, providing even more supportive benefits.

Now let's look at the best way to build Yangyang in Wuthering Waves.



Yangyang: Best Weapons

Best Weapons
5-star Weapons

Emerald of Genesis

Emerald of Genesis

4-star Weapons

Commando of Conviction

Commando of Conviction

Lunar Cutter

Lunar Cutter

There is currently no better sword in Wuthering Waves than Emerald of Genesis. It provides great offensive stats and Energy Regen to top it off.



Yangyang: Best Echo Sets

Best Echo Sets (Left to Right)
Moonlit Clouds set_7.webp set_4.webp/ Moonlit Clouds Lingering TunesMoonlit Clouds set_4.webp/ Molten Rift
Moonlit Clouds x5 Rejuvenating Glow x5 x2 / x2 x2 / x2 x2 / x2
Best Main Echo

Impermanence Heron

Impermanence Heron

Best Main Stats
4 cost 3 cost 3 cost 1 cost 1 cost
C.DMG / C.RATE Aero DMG  Aero DMG/Energy Regen ATK% ATK%
Substat Priority
Energy Regen C.DMG / C.RATE ATK% ATK Lib.DMG%




Wuthering Waves Yangyang
Kuro Games

There are certain drawbacks to Yang Yang. Her basic attack rotation is a bit challenging, and if you miss the last part, you will lose a significant percentage of her Forte Gauge, requiring you to redo the basic attack combo from scratch.

Her personal damage is likewise on the lower side, pushing her into a supporting role rather than a hybrid one. Her necessary on-field time is problematic because it is greater than most supports but shorter than many hybrids, putting her in an unusual position.

Overall, Yangyang is an intriguing character who has the potential to be game-changing depending on how important her Energy Recovery is in the endgame, but until we see more of her, it's difficult to predict how powerful she'll be or whether she'll be present in any top-tier teams, and if so, whether in the hybrid or support role.

If you’re looking for more Wuthering Waves content, then feel free to check out GameLeap’s Wuthering Waves section for more information on the game.
