LEGO Fortnite: “You Are Hungry” Message and How to Find Food

Find out the reason behind "You Are Hungry" message in LEGO Fortnite and discover how to deal with it in this comprehensive guide.

LEGO Fortnite: “You Are Hungry” Message and How to Find Food
LEGO Fortnite "You Are Hungry" Message and How to Find Food

Making sure your character doesn't starve is key to making it in LEGO Fortnite. If you get the "you are hungry" message, it means your hunger bar is running low and you need to eat food fast. This article explains how hunger works, filling up your hunger bar, and where to find edibles in the game. Let’s dive deeper into the “You Are Hungry” message and how to find food to avoid starvation damage.

What is the "You are Hungry" Message in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite “You Are Hungry” Message and How to Find Food 1.png

There is a hunger meter for your character in the upper left corner by your picture in LEGO Fortnite. This bar slowly goes down over time as you explore and take action. If it is starting to run out, you will get the "you are hungry" message and eventually take damage from not eating.

  • Eating food fills up your hunger bar again so you avoid taking starvation damage.
  • Different food types refill different amounts, so having a variety ready is smart.
  • Some foods also give you extra abilities like being resistant to hot or cold temps.



Satisfying Your Hunger

To eat food, you first need to put it on your quick access toolbar. Food automatically goes there at first. If not, open your backpack menu and drag the food onto the toolbar.

  • With the food in your toolbar, click the combat button to take a bite.
  • This eats the food, topping up your hunger meter.
  • Keep eating until the bar is full again.



How to Find Food

LEGO Fortnite “You Are Hungry” Message and How to Find Food 2.png

  • Berries - These grow commonly on bushes and are an easy starting food item. Each berry fills the hunger bar a tiny bit though, so you'll have to eat lots.
  • Veggies - Carrots, corn, and pumpkins can be found growing wild in fields and forests, filling more hunger per bite than berries.
  • Meats - Killing chickens or wildlife provides meat that rapidly boosts hunger, but needs to be cooked first to work well. 
  • Cooking - Build a Grill to cook raw meat and veggies, making them recover more meter per bite.



Tips to Avoid Getting Too Hungry

  • Check the hunger meter routinely and eat soon when getting low
  • Have lots of berries/veggies on hand for quick bites
  • Save meats for when very empty to rapidly refill
  • Build a garden to grow your own renewable source of foods
  • Build an animal farm to have unlimited resources

Keeping your LEGO Fortnite character fed with different foods is key to their health. Use these pointers to restore hunger and dodge starvation damage.
