Modern Warfare 3 - Cooked Grenade Explained

Here's a quick guide that will teach you how to cook a grenade and do your challanges that require you to get kills with a cooked grenade.

Modern Warfare 3 - Cooked Grenade Explained

In Modern Warfare 3, you might find a daily challenge that asks you to get kills with a cooked grenade. This might sound strange, but it's a common task in the game. Let's break down what it means and how to do it.

mw3 cooked grenade



What's a Cooked Grenade in MW3?

  • A cooked grenade is when you use a frag grenade but hold onto it for a bit after pulling the pin.
  • Holding it longer makes the grenade explode faster once you throw it.
  • If you don't cook it, your enemy might have time to escape the blast. Cooking it for a second or two means they have less time to get away.
  • Be careful: If you hold it too long, it'll explode in your hand!
  • You can only cook Frag Grenades and Thermobaric Grenades in the game.
  • Tactical equipment like Stun Grenades and Flash Grenades can't be cooked as they have a fixed time before exploding.

Differences in Cooking Time

  • There's no perfect time to cook a grenade. It depends on how far your target is and the situation. Sometimes you need a longer delay, and other times you want it to explode quickly.



How to Get Kills with Cooked Grenades in MW3

  • To do this, choose the frag grenade and hold the button to use a lethal grenade. Your character will pull the pin, and your crosshair will flash every second.
  • The grenade has a three-second fuse. Time your throw with each pulse.
  • You can use a UAV to find where enemies are, then throw the grenades.
  • Timing your throw towards the end of the fuse gives enemies no time to dodge.
  • Using the Demolition Vest gives you two frag grenades instead of one, and they recharge after a while.
  • In game modes like Demolition or Hardpoint, wait for enemies to start capturing a point, then cook and throw a grenade at them.


mw3 cooked grenade

That is everything on mastering cooked grenade kills in Modern Warfare 3. Remember, practice makes perfect. So, grab your grenades, time them right, and get ready to rack up those kills. Good luck, and have fun out there in the game!
