Super Mario RPG: Tresure Chest Items List

Here is a list of the items contained in the Treasure Chests in Super Mario RPG.

Super Mario RPG: Tresure Chest Items List

In Super Mario RPG, there are treasure chests filled with items you can collect. These chests are hidden all around the game and they help your team.

Treasure Chest Items List Super Mario RPG



What's Inside the Treasure Chests?

When you play Super Mario RPG, you'll find floating treasure chests everywhere. If you jump and hit these chests from below, you get a reward. But what kind of rewards are we talking about?

Treasure Chest Items List Super Mario RPG



Types of Items in Chests

There are four kinds of items you can find in these chests, each with a different use:

  • Mushrooms: These heal your whole team's health (HP) and Flower Points (FP).
  • Flowers: These increase your maximum Flower Points (FP) by one.
  • Stars: Make you invincible for a short time. You can defeat any enemy you touch while this lasts.
  • Coins: The game's currency. Small coins are worth one, and big coins are worth ten.

You can keep collecting these items as they also drop in battles. But, remember, the game has a fixed number of chests. In the original game, there were 39 chests.


Treasure Chest Items List Super Mario RPG

So there you have it! Keep an eye out for treasure chests in Super Mario RPG. They're full of helpful stuff like healing mushrooms, power-boosting flowers, invincibility stars, and coins. Happy exploring and have fun collecting all these cool items!

Check out our Super Mario RPG Weapons List guide here.
