The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: Best Guns Ranked

You will find all the information you need to know about the best guns in The Finals in this best weapons ranked tier list.

The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: Best Guns Ranked
The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: Best Guns Ranked

The Finals offers a vast arsenal of destructive weaponry to demolish your opponents. But with so many options, determining the most effective guns can be challenging. That's why we've created The Finals Best Weapons tier list of the top weapons to equip for domination on the battlefield. Whether you prefer aggressive close-quarters fighting, precise long-range marksmanship, or strategic balance, this best weapons tier list guides you to equip ideal weapons for competitive advantage. Let's unleash the elite guns that will crush the opposition on the war-torn streets of The Finals.

The Finals Tier List: Best Weapons

God Tier

The apex of firearms, these weapons reign supreme in delivering ruthless efficiency and unmatched power. Equipping them grants you a dominant edge over the opposition.

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This versatile semi-automatic pistol excels in close to medium-range combat. Despite its unassuming looks, it packs startling firepower with minimal recoil for easy headshots. The lightning-fast fire rate allows swift eliminations before foes can react.


Boasting formidable mobility and close-quarters damage, this SMG is ideal for aggressive, on-the-move play. Its rapid spray inflicts lightning-fast damage while the Light class enhances your speed and maneuverability.



S Tier

Formidable firearms offer versatile applications and plenty of power. These guns are reliable choices to carry you to victory.

AKM The Finals


This automatic rifle shines in mid-range skirmishes with its balanced damage and range. Controlling its recoil takes practice but mastery pays off in versatile performance. Use single shots for long distances.

SA1216 The Finals



The ultimate devastating shotgun for Heavy builds. One blast can eliminate enemies up close. Large ammo capacity allows spraying continuous damage across rooms. Lacks long-range finesse.



A Tier

Proven and dependable weapons provide concrete advantages when used strategically. Reliable additions to your arsenal.



The premier sniper rifle for long-distance headshots. Extreme range and accuracy with minimal bullet drop-off. Punishing damage but best used with squad coordination.



Incinerate enemies in close quarters with continuous damage. Its sustained burn keeps foes at bay. Lacks finesse but is ideal for chaotic disruption.

CL-40 The Finals


A versatile grenade launcher allows for obliterating structures or players. Pump action gives precision and rapid firepower, enabling tactical remodeling of the environment.

In the high-stakes arena of The Finals, equipping the finest firearms tailored to your playstyle is crucial. We hope our tier list of the top weapons guides you to arm yourself with the tools of domination. Wield these elite guns to demolish the opposition and stand victorious!


The Finals Best Weapons Tier List
Tier Weapon Class Key Features
God Tier V9S Light Versatile pistol with a quick-fire rate
God Tier XP-54 Light Rapid SMG for mobile, close-range damage
S Tier AKM Medium Reliable automatic rifle for mid-range fights
S Tier SA1216 Heavy Devastating close-range shotgun with large ammo capacity
A Tier SR-84 Light Top long-range sniper rifle with precision
A Tier Flamethrower Heavy Continuous close-range burn damage
A Tier CL-40 Medium Adaptable grenade launcher for structures and players



Note: This weapon tier list is based on our personal preference and might differ according to your playstyle.
