Diablo 4 Season 2 Tier List: The Best Builds For Leveling, Endgame & PVP in Season of Blood

These are the best builds you can play in Diablo 4's Season of Blood!

Diablo 4 Season 2 Tier List: The Best Builds For Leveling, Endgame & PVP in Season of Blood
Blizzard Entertainment

Now that Season 2 of Diablo 4 has been released, it's time to start thinking about what character you are going to be playing. There has been a lot of balance changes, as well as new items, paragon glyphs and unique items added to Season 2. With these in mind it's important to know which builds are going to be strong this season. 

If you're a newcomer to Diablo 4, you might be curious about which class reigns supreme for fast and efficient leveling. Similarly, once you reach the endgame, you'll want to know the best builds for tackling the formidable challenges that await.

Diablo 4 Season 2 Build Tier List
Blizzard Entertainment



In this comprehensive guide, we've compiled a list of the top-tier builds for each character class in Diablo 4. These builds are categorized into tiers, ensuring we cover both leveling and endgame progression. Furthermore, we've included the best PvP builds for Diablo 4 during Season 2.

Table of Contents:
1. Best Leveling Builds
2. Best Endgame Builds
3. Best PVP Builds

Let's delve into the world of Diablo 4 and discover the builds that will make your journey through Sanctuary a victorious one.



Best Leveling Builds for Diablo 4 Season 2:

These are our picks for the best builds to level up your character in Season of Blood:

Tier Build
S Tier
  • Twisting Blades Rogue
  • Chain Lightning Sorc
  • Blood Surge Necro
  • Summoner Sever Necro
  • Blood Surge Necro
A Tier
  • Flurry Rogue
  • Barrage Rogue
  • Upheaval Barbarian
  • Ice Shards Sorc
  • Barrage Rogue
  • Blight Necro
B Tier
  • Bone Spear Necro
  • Arc Lash Sorc
  • Penetrating Shot Rogue
  • HotA Barbarian
  • Thorns Barbarian
  • Shred Druid
C Tier
  • Pure Summoner Necro
  • Pulverize Druid
  • Blood Lance Necro
  • Whirlwind Barbarian
D Tier
  • Landslide Druid
  • Companion Druid
  • Double Swing Barb



Best Endgame Builds for Diablo 4 Season 2:

These are our picks for the best builds to progress your character through the endgame with in Season of Blood:

Tier Build
S Tier
  • Stormclaw Druid
  • Twisting Blades Rogue
  • Pulverize Druid
  • Firewall Sorc
  • Bone Spear Necro
A Tier
  • Death Trap Rogue
  • Ice Shards Sorc
  • Barrage Rogue
  • Werenado Druid
  • Earthquake Barb
  • Blood Lance Necro
  • Penetrating Shot Rogue
  • Blizzard Sorc
  • Upheaval Barb
  • HotA Barb
B Tier
  • Trampleslide Druid
  • Meteor Sorc
  • Pure Summoner Necro
  • Lightning Druid
  • Bloodsurge Necro
  • Whirlwind Barb
  • Thorns Barb
  • Blight Necro
C Tier
  • Lightning Shred Druid
  • Arc Lash Sorc
  • Poison Shred Druid
  • Fireball Sorc
D Tier
  • Companion Druid
  • Sever Necro
  • Frozen Orb Sorc



Best PVP Builds for Diablo 4 Season 2:

PvP is a bit more niche in Diablo 4, so while there won't be a tier list, here are some suggested builds for each class you can try when fighting other players:

Character Build
Sorcerer Ice Shards Sorcerer
Barbarian HotA Barbarian
Druid Stormclaw Druid
Necromancer Bone Spear Necro
Rogue Twisting Blades Rogue

These were our picks for the best leveling, endgame and PVP builds for Diablo 4 Season 2. Make sure to check out our other coverage on the website for the Season of Blood.
