Overwatch 2's Season 6 Mythic Skin: Omnic Ana

The curtains have been drawn back on Overwatch 2's latest Mythic skin set to grace the Season 6 Battle Pass, and it's none other than Ana who takes the spotlight.

Credit: Activision Blizzard

In an exciting turn of events, the Overwatch 2 Invasion trailer has granted players an official glimpse into the imminent additions that await in the game. This revelation comes even after Blizzard's own president inadvertently leaked teasers of upcoming skins and the introduction of a new hero.

Within this captivating trailer, alongside the introduction of the intriguing support hero Illari, fans are treated to sneak peeks at some of the season's anticipated skins, featuring notable characters such as Zarya, Pharah, Ashe, Roadhog, Torbjorn, and a particular highlight – Ana.

Without a doubt, this Mythic skin emerges as one of the most extraordinary renditions to date, destined to ignite fervor among fans as they gear up for the approaching season.

At the trailer's climactic moment, Ana takes the stage, but she's a far cry from the venerable elderly hero we've grown accustomed to. Instead, she's undergone a complete transformation, metamorphosing into what seemingly embodies a Null Sector Omnic.

New Omnic Ana mythic skin for Overwatch 2
Credit: Activision Blizzard

The precise context behind this intriguing transformation remains veiled, leaving players pondering whether it forms part of an Invasion narrative or manifests as a tantalizing "what if" skin, akin to Star Trek's iconic assimilation of Picard into the Borg collective. Regardless, this visual spectacle cannot be ignored.

Introducing a fresh facet to Overwatch 2, Mythic skins now take center stage, embracing customization. The dynamic interplay between players and cosmetics offers a realm of possibilities, as they tailor these skins to reflect their personal preferences.

While the developers' complete spectrum of surprises remains shrouded, the wait for the unveiling of Ana's new skin, the introduction of Illari, and other impending wonders will be short-lived.