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7. Aggressive Play Essentials for Caustic

How to Destroy Early Game as Caustic
This VOD analysis by 8Second will show you how to dominate the early game with Caustic!

Caustic Masterclass - Apex Legends Course

0% completed
1. Caustic Essentials
2. Replay Analyses
Caustic Masterclass - Apex Legends Course

0% completed
1. Caustic Essentials
2. Replay Analyses

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Blueangel444717 1 year ago
There was no reason to drop down on him. You should have stayed on the ramp to keep height. Would have made it harder for him to see you, and you probably could have just lined up a shot with the 30-30 and killed him right there instead of going tarzan with a 30-30 vs his shotgun which is a complete gamble. Especially w/ a white shield. If this were someone with good aim he def could have won that.
Blueangel444717 1 year ago
Also could have punched the pathy off height as an option.
SPROGY666 2 years ago
Is there going to be an advanced caustic tactics video