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5 Simple Tips to Never Tilt
In this Dota 2 guide, Speeed will give you his best tips to never TILT.

Dota Psychology - Dota 2 Course

0% completed
1. Mindset
Dota Psychology - Dota 2 Course

0% completed
1. Mindset

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motchymotch 4 years ago
Russian twists noted
cheny583 4 years ago
smurf makes me better cause they play properly
bluewalkerCZ 4 years ago
Oh, I liked this one so much
johnadam 4 years ago
I'm not very good I just know a few hero's wells I got my MMR from 300 to 2000+ in less than 2 months just by being positive and muting toxic players. I guess I improved a bit along the way to a good guide 👍. Really love Ur tips...helps a lot I'm so bobo in Dota but your tips motivate me.. and I am also getting help from this site www.xfire.com keep up the good work 😍
Dzevo 3 years ago
I love dota psychology videos, they are very rare, and almost noone is making these series
sharedknowledge 2 years ago
1. Improvement is a long process Relax and play it relaxed, choose a goal. 2. Smurfs and Account Buyers Rarely the reason of losing 3. Dota is meant to be fun 4. No secret to improving except practice 5. Get a coach
LuckyBamboo 2 years ago
1000 MMR per year, interesting reminder on patience.