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Getting Flamed? Here's What to Do
In this Dota 2 guide, Speeed will teach you how to act when being flamed by your team.

Dota Psychology - Dota 2 Course

0% completed
1. Mindset
Dota Psychology - Dota 2 Course

0% completed
1. Mindset

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Mindreader 3 years ago
I feel like this 9 minute video could be condensed into 3, I had to watch at 1.5x speed
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rjanixz 3 years ago
we need a dislike video buton
GamingNewbie 3 years ago
As someone new to the game with only 20-25 games only, my only take away here is to "Put yourself on the other players' shoes." I have a lot more games and hours to spend in the game until I probably encounter getting flamed and my response/reaction to it.
Sauronana 2 years ago
All I heard is "I don't know" and "blame Timber". Dislike