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How to Clutch Unwinnable Games
In this pro analysis, Mills studies a ranked match in which he and his team face down a 3v4 scenario and manage to come out on top thanks to some game-winning teamwork!

Coach Millls
Advanced VOD Analyses - Halo Infinite Course

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1. Onyx VOD Analyses
2. Pro Match Analyses
Advanced VOD Analyses - Halo Infinite Course

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1. Onyx VOD Analyses
2. Pro Match Analyses

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Ruthlcss 3 years ago
the only thing I can think of with your question in basement was get a little closer to the door that you were anticipating an enemy player to come through that way you're closer to him to get a beat down and it cuts the line of sight of the door to your left where you got killed. Your shields would have had a better and longer chance to recharge before he saw you.
InGameWorlds 3 years ago
Thanks for this video, I really liked it. It's great to see some more in depth match thought from your end and to see that some mistakes I often make are not that uncommon (the drop from high ground is so familiar). Keep up the good work!
trunemesisprime 3 years ago
Loved this one, very well played.
mpfromthe903 3 years ago
14:16 Basement question - I don't think there is really a right or wrong there. 3v4, and the enemy has known your general location for several seconds. Nice game!
Sockkiller 3 years ago
I'd tell you if I thought it was a good move if you actually interacted with your paying community... Man I appreciate you, but I'm pretty annoyed because this company could be a lot more valuable if you made it more interactive.
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