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Ultimate Mastery: When and Who to Nano
In this Overwatch 2 guide, Coach Tanner will teach you when and how to use your Nano Boost.

Coach Tanner
Ana Masterclass - Overwatch 2 Course

0% completed
1. Ana Essentials
Ana Masterclass - Overwatch 2 Course

0% completed
1. Ana Essentials

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exagenn 2 years ago
nano junk? lol, what is the reason to nano junk, if nano sojourn can do more consistent damage? My view who to better NOT to nano: junk, hanzo, widow, sigma, mercy, kiriko, lucio, mei (only of she is close to the enemy), torb. All others heroes is surely better to nano
austyn501 2 years ago
yeah idk.. i've been trying so hard to rank up i think im just gonna stop trying. i have no friends so i can never group with anyone. i dont beleive i deserve a high rank i think diamond is good enough. these games with people who think they know how to play the game and they dont. idk half the stuff in the game but i think i know more than these plat players. the games are just frustrating and irritating. just.. gross