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Is it Possible to Win Every Game?

In this video, coach Mills answers the question of if you can win every game in Valorant.

Coach Mills


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Phoneutria 3 years ago

The current Hidden MMR system is always pulling the RR (Rank Rating) towards the Hidden MMR value. As an example if your Hidden MMR is higher than your current rank you can gain way more RR points on wins then you would get deducted on a loss. The opposite is also true If you have gotten to a rank that is well higher then your Hidden MMR value you start gaining way less RR on wins and get deducted way more RR on losses. One thing some players will see as the grain up in rank, is that they get to a point where they gain about 15-20 RR on wins and get deducted about 25-30 RR on losses. That signals that you have ranked up well pat your Hidden MMR value and the ranked system is attempting to pull you back down to the current Hidden MMR value. So at a 50% win rate this is going to de-rank you in the long term unless your Hidden MMR value increases. At a 60% win rate you will be forever stuck in that rank unless your Hidden MMR value increases allowing you to gain more points on wins and be deducted fewer points on losses. It can feel completely awful when you win 60% of your games maybe on a win streak, rank up 2 or 3 times. At this point when you are at the 60% win to break even point, it is critical you do not go on a loss streak. You have to continue to win 60% to bring up you Hidden MMR and not see your rank change at all hardly. You will have to hit multiple walls under the current system and "prove" you belong there and haven't gotten boosted to the rank.