Every Cult Stash you unlock in Alan Wake 2 rewards you with useful items. Similar to searching for Lunchboxes and Nursery Rhymes, seeking out Cult Stashes is a side activity you can do while guiding Saga through Bright Falls and its neighboring regions during her investigation of the Tree Cult.
This guide will show you where to find Cult Stashes in Cauldron Lake, how to open them, and their rewards.
Where to Find Cult Stashes in Cauldron Lake
In the Cauldron Lake area, you can find five Cult Stashes. You can get four the first time you're there. These stashes have useful stuff like more space for your inventory, which is very helpful. If you don't find them all at first, you can always come back later in the game.
Cult Stash #1: "Confused? Follow the Steps"
This stash is near the Murder Site and a store. Look for a heavy box with a lock by a long trailer.

A note on the box will give you a clue: "Wash hands, take chicken out of fridge, take a nap."

This means you should check the sink, fridge, and bed inside the trailer for symbols:


- Angled triangles touching at their points
- Vertical triangles touching at their points
- Horizontal elevator "open door" symbols

Use these symbols on the lock in the order they appear. Inside, you'll find bullets for your handgun and a trauma pad.
Cult Stash #2
You can only get to this stash after you beat the first boss, Nightingale. When you wake up on the shore, follow the right path to a bunch of big tree branches. Climb under the big tree.

On the other side, follow the narrow path to the stash.

This lock is easy - just repeat the light pattern it shows. Opening this gives you shotgun bullets, a propane tank, a hand flare, and extra inventory space upgrade.

Cult Stash #3: "Rock Rock Tree"
After the lake flooding goes down, you can get to this stash by the river, near a cabin.

The clue is "Rock, Rock, Tree. Are you bright enough?" and involves some counting.

Here's a quick answer: 658. There are rocks and a tree with numbers and math signs. Add and subtract to get the code.
- 3 + 3: On the rock situated behind the stash

- 7 - 2: On the rock downstream from the stash

- 6 + 2: On the tree to the west side of the stash


For your work, you'll get a propane tank and a first aid kit.
Cult Stash #4

Near the Witch Sign, look for golden arrows that lead you to this stash.
The box has a lightbulb on it.

Use your flashlight to follow arrows on the trees to a key on a rock.


Use the key to open the stash and get a hand flare, more shotgun bullets, and a trauma pad.

Cult Stash #5: Lake Cabins Stash Key
You need bolt cutters from the game to get this one.

Find the Lake Cabin's Stash Key under a tree shown on your map.

Here's what to do:
- Go north from the stash to the second cabin.
- Go out the east door, duck under a tree, and keep going north.
- Walk past a truck, turn on your flashlight, and look for a tree with a "2" on it.
That's where you'll find the key!

Go back to the cabin. Be ready you will have to fight few monsters.Inside the cabin head to the elft room and you will find the Cult Stash#5 which is unlocked with the Lake Cabins Stash Key.

In the end, looking for Cult Stashes in Alan Wake 2 is like going on a treasure hunt. These hidden boxes give you useful stuff like inventory upgrades, which is super handy. Even if you miss some on the first try, you can always go back and get them later. So, keep your eyes open for clues and enjoy the rewards you get from solving these little puzzles. They make your adventure through the spooky parts of Bright Falls a bit easier and a lot more fun!