Alan Wake 2 - Every Koskela Brothers Television Commercial Location

Here's quick guide to help you find every Koskela Brother Commercial in Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake 2 - Every Koskela Brothers Television Commercial Location
Remedy Entertainment

In Alan Wake 2, there are six TV ads about the Koskela brothers. To get the Koskela Brothers achievement, you have to watch all these commercials. Some ads pop up as you play the game, but others are harder to find. This guide will help you find all the commercials.

Where to Find Koskela Brothers Ads

Adventure Tours:

Adventure Tours TV commercial Location.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment



The first ad is in the Bright Falls Sheriff Station's Employee Lounge, on a TV.

Adventure Tours TV commercial.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment

Be careful: you can't watch this ad after you finish the "Return 3: Local Girl" chapter. If you want to find everything in the game, watch this ad before moving on.



Coffee World:

Cofee World TV commercial Location.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment

This ad is easy to find. It's on a TV near the reception desk at the Elderwood Palace Lodge in Bright Falls. You'll see it as you start the "Return 3: Local Girl" chapter.


Cofee World TV commercial.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment

Ahma Beer:

Ahma beer TV commercial Location.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment



During the "Return 3: Local Girl" chapter, before you go to Watery, stop by the Oh Deer Diner. As soon as I walked in, I got this ad about Ahma Beer, a Finnish beer. It's on the TV on the wall.

Ahma beer TV commercial.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment



Parade Floats:

Parade Floats TV commercial Location.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment

You can watch this ad in the same chapter, "Return 3: Local Girl." It's on a TV in a trailer across the street from Saga's place in the Lighthouse Trailer Park. You'll visit this area in Watery.


Parade Floats TV commercial.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment

Bright Falls Blend:

Bright Falls Blend TV commercial Location.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment



In the "Return 5: Old Gods" chapter, look in the Rec Room at Valhalla Nursing Home's Manor in Bright Falls. There's a TV in the corner.

Bright Falls Blend TV commercial.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment

If you can't watch it the first time, just keep going with the story and try again later.



Return Review:

Ahma beer TV commercial Location.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment

In the "Return 8: Deerfest" chapter, you'll find this last ad. Make sure you've done everything else with Saga, like finding the Nursery Rhymes, the Alex Casey Lunchboxes, and checking out Mayor Setter’s campaign posters. Then, head back to Oh Deer Diner, and you'll find this ad about a book club.


Return Review TV commercial.jpeg
Remedy Entertainment

And that's how you find all the TV ads for the Koskela Brothers in Alan Wake 2.
