The Feast of Winter Veil is back in all WoW versions, including Dragonflight, WoW Classic, Season of Discovery, and Hardcore. Here's a simple guide to all the 2023 Winter Veil quests in World of Warcraft.
2023 Winter Veil Quests in WoW Retail and Classic
Remember, if you're in the Season of Discovery, you can't do all quests because of the Level 25 cap.
Greatfather Winter Quests: Retail and Classic
- Start these quests in either Ironforge or Orgrimmar, near the Auction House.
- Get the “Greatfather Winter is Here!” quest from Smokywood Pastures vendors in capital cities.

- Do “Treats for Greatfather Winter” by giving Greatfather Winter five Gingerbread Cookies and an Ice Cold Milk.

- You can make the cookies if you have Cooking Level 1 (needs one Small Egg and Holiday Spices) or buy them from the Auction House.

The Reason for the Season Quests: Retail and Classic
- Pick this up outside the bank in Ironforge (Goli Krumn) or Orgrimmar (Furmund).

- You'll get a book to deliver to another NPC. Horde players take it to Thunder Bluff, while Alliance stays in Ironforge.

The Abominable Greench Quests (Daily): Retail and Classic
- “You’re a Mean One…” is available for both factions. Get it from the Strange Snowman in Hillsbrad Foothills (42, 41).


- Loot the gift pile near the Greench's cave, then deliver the Stolen Treats to Smokywood Pastures vendors in Ironforge or Orgrimmar.

Metzen the Reindeer Quest: Classic Only

- Rescue Metzen the Reindeer in Searing Gorge (66, 35) or Tanaris (71, 48).

- If you have Level 300 Cooking, do “The Hero of the Day” by turning in five gold and a Deeprock Salt for more Preserved Holly.
That's all for the Winter Veil quests in World of Warcraft Retail and Classic. Enjoy the festivities in WoW!