Blizzard has been cooking up even more fun and exciting content for Season of Discovery players, as it seems we will be getting another phase centered around the Scarlet Crusade presumably.
Wowhead has been busy data mining the new PTR content, and by the looks of things, Phase 8 of SoD will be jam packed with new items and features. This time around, we will take a look at the new trinkets.
WoW SoD Phase 8 Trinkets

Some very interesting trinkets have been found on the Season of Discovery Phase 8 PTR.
NOTE: Keep in mind that all of the items are subject to change and are not final as players will provide feedback to the devs which might result in some adjustments.
- Semisafe Transporter: New Avalon
- Hand of Reborn Justice
- Bartholomew Family Seal
- Leonid's Charm
- Journal of the Revered
- Abandoned Experiment
- Stiltz's Standard
- Heart of Light
- Sir Dornel's Didgeridoo
- Infusion of Souls
- Cinders of the Fallen Crusade
- Ashes of Arrogance
- Dust of the Defiant
- Desecrated Prayerbook
A lot of flavor this time around, offering all kinds of utility as well as stat increases to both you and party members. We can expect even more content to come as the devs unveil more information about the upcoming World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase.