Deadlock - Best Heroes For Farming Souls

In this guide, we'll list the best heroes for farming Souls in Deadlock. Let's dive in!

Deadlock - Best Heroes For Farming Souls

As with many other games, farming is an essential part of Deadlock since it allows you to buy stronger items, progress faster, and boost the abilities of your character.

However, some heroes make farming easier than others. In this guide, we'll show you the best characters for farming Souls in Deadlock. Let's get started!



Deadlock Best Soul Farming Heroes

Be aware that each one of the characters in this guide has their own advantages and disadvantages. That's why it's important to experiment until you find your Deadlock soulmate.


Deadlock - Best Heroes For Farming Souls

Yes, Vindicta is a little tricky, and she might not be for everyone, but if you're ready to start the game with only 2 Stamina, you'll get some other benefits as compensation.

For example, Vindicta has a powerful weapon that can earn you a lot of Souls, and her Crow Familiar can defeat any Camp NPC in no time. However, keep in mind that her Health bar is not that big, and it's best to start by killing some smaller enemies.


Deadlock - Best Heroes For Farming Souls

Although Yamato's fire rate is pretty slow, she can use her secondary attack to throw bombs. Nothing works better against Camp NPCs than explosions, and when we combine this ability with her stellar chance, she can be a very good choice for farming Souls.

The latter decreases her chances of getting shot by NPCs significantly. Last but not least, Yamato's Power Slash allows her to deal extra damage on NPCs.




Deadlock - Best Heroes For Farming Souls

Seven has an ability called Power Surge, which allows him to wipe out huge waves of minions and Camp NPCs.

He has a high chance of dealing shock damage to his targets, with the shock bouncing off to everyone around as well. Seven can also deal significant damage over time, draining his enemy's Health quickly.


Deadlock - Best Heroes For Farming Souls

If Viscous takes too much damage. don't worry; he can always wrap himself in goo jelly to restore his Health, even if he's right in the middle of combat.

This is one of the main reasons why he's perfect for farming Souls. Additionally, his damage output can help him against any NPC, and his speed is incredible.


Deadlock - Best Heroes For Farming Souls

McGinnis has some of the best weapons for dealing with NPCs and minions, but that's not all. Her Turrets are very useful for distracting the enemy and creating chaos on the battlefield.

Moreover, she can heal herself while fighting, and she deploys Medicinal Spectre. With such diverse skills and huge damage output, McGinnis is great for farming Souls.



Deadlock Best Heroes For Farming Souls Summary

Deadlock - Best Heroes For Farming Souls

Deadlock offers a total of 21 characters to choose from, and since there are so many, keeping up with all their details might be a little overwhelming.

That's why we made a summary of the best soul-farming heroes in Deadlock and their biggest advantages.

Hero Advantage
Vindicta Early-Game farming
Yamato Takes no damage
Seven Lightning Ball
Viscous Goo Ball
McGinniss Turrets

Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Deadlock, you can check out this article.
