Deadlock: 5 Best Heroes for Beginners

We will take a look at the 5 best characters you can pick if you are just starting out in Deadlock.

Deadlock: 5 Best Heroes for Beginners

Deadlock has emerged on the scene given how much hype and positive feedback players are sharing for Valve's upcoming 6v6 MOBA shooter game. Not only are fans hailing it as the next major game to take over both the casual and competitive scenes, but the mixture of elements and design philosophies from other massive games like League of Legends, Dota 2, Overwatch, and Team Fortress 2 make up for quite the fun experience. 

Although it can be very overwhelming to get the hang of how the in-game systems, combat, and general glow of matches play out, we have got you covered with 5 beginner heroes you can start playing to start learning the many skill expressions Deadlock offers.



Top 5 Best Beginner Heroes for Deadlock

Deadlock Best Beginner Heroes

We will quickly go over 5 different Heroes you can try out as you slowly figure out the nooks and crannies of Deadlock. Although the game is in its early development stages, it can be a great opportunity to learn the basics and feel powerful in the same time. 

Please keep in mind that this article is aimed at total beginners who want to dive in and start blasting away their enemies. Although the game features shooter aspects, keep in mind that it is for the most part a MOBA where strategy, positioning, and itemization play a huge role. 



5. Grey Talon

Grey Talon

Grey Talon can offer a lot when it comes to learning how to land skill shots, how to position yourself as well as developing map awareness.



Charged Shot (1)

  • Charge up a powerful shot that pierces through enemies. Hold [Ability 1] or [Fire] to hold the shot 
  • Level 1: +1 Charges
  • Level 2: +65 Damage
  • Level 3: Improved damage scaling and -3s Charge Delay


Rain of Arrows (2)

  • Launches you high in the air, allowing you to glide slowly. While airborne, you gain Weapon Damage and multishot on your weapon. Press [Jump/Mantle] to cancel the glide. 
  • Level 1: -15s Cooldown
  • Level 2: While airborne, +7 Weapon Damage and weapon damage applies 40% movement slow for 1.5s
  • Level 3: While airborne, +50% Bullet Lifesteal and +50% Spirit Lifesteal


Immobilizing Trap (3)

  • Throw out a trap that begins to arm itself. Once armed, the trap will trigger when an enemy enters its radius, immobilizing and then slowing them. 
  • Level 1: -20s Cooldown
  • Level 2: +2s Slow Duration
  • Level 3: Grey Talon deals +30% more Bullet Damage to enemies hit by Immobilizing Trap for 10s


Guided Owl

  • After 1.5s cast time, launch a spirit owl that you control and which explodes on impact, damaging and stunning enemies. Hold [Fire] to accelerate the owl. Press [Jump/Mantle] to release control. Gain permanent Spirit Power for each enemy hero killed with Guided Owl. 
  • Level 1: +100 Damage
  • Level 2: -50s Cooldown
  • Level 3: After hit, kills enemies that are below 22% Health



4. Haze

Haze Deadlock

Haze is a great entryway for mastering your aim as well ganking other lanes. Although Deadlock does not feature any specific roles at this time, you can think of Haze as a roaming skirmisher. 



Sleep Dagger (1)

  • Throw a dagger that damages and sleeps the target. Sleeping targets wake up shortly after being damaged. Throwing a Dagger does not break your invisibility. Sleep Dagger does not interrupt enemies' channeling abilities. 
  • Level 1: Removes 1 stamina
  • Level 2: -13s Cooldown
  • Level 3: Applies -12% Bullet Resist for 6s on wake-up


Smoke Bomb (2)

  • Fade out of sight, becoming invisible and gaining sprint speed. Attacking removes invisibility. Close enemies can see through your invisibility. 
  • Level 1: -15s Cooldown
  • Level 2: +6m/s Invis Sprint Speed
  • Level 3: After invis, gain+30% Bullet Lifesteal for 8s


Fixation (3)

  • Shooting a target increases your bullet damage on that target. Gain one stack per bullet hit, two if the hit is a headshot. 
  • Level 1: 60 * (x0.4 Spirit Power) Spirit damage and 15% slow for 2s to target every 20 stacks
  • Level 2: 40 Max Stacks and +5s Duration
  • Level 3: +0.2 per stack Weapon Damage 


Bullet Dance (4)

  • Enter a flurry, firing your weapon at nearby enemies with perfect accuracy. During the flurry, Haze gains a fire rate bonus and will evade some of the bullets shot at her. 
  • Level 1: +7 Weapon Damage
  • Level 2: -40s Cooldown
  • Level 3: +1 Targets Hit Per Shot



3. Abrams

Deadlock Abrams

Abrams is a short-ranged bulky Hero who excels in surviving damage and applying CC where needed. You can learn how you can lane effectively and set up kills with your abilities. 



Siphon Life (1)

  • Drain health from enemies in front of you while they are in the radius. 
  • Level 1: -20s Cooldown
  • Level 2: +2s Duration
  • Level 3: Damage Per Second


Shoulder Charge (2)

  • Charge forward, colliding with enemies and dragging them along. Hitting a wall will Stun enemies caught by Abrams. Speed increased after colliding with enemy Heroes. 
  • Level 1: -20s Cooldown
  • Level 2: +0.5s Duration
  • Level 3: +5.5 Weapon Damage for 8s after colliding with an enemy


Infernal Resilience (3)

  • Regenerate a portion of incoming damage over time. 
  • Level 1: +1.5 Health Regen
  • Level 2: +150 Health
  • Level 3: +9% Damage regenerated


Seismic Impact (4)

  • Leap high into the air and choose a ground location to crash into. When you hit the ground, all enemies in the radius are damaged and stunned. Press to crash down early. 
  • Level 1: -40s Cooldown
  • Level 2: Gain 100 Max HP and 15% Fire Rate per hero hit. Lasts 25s.
  • Level 3: On cast, become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. Expires 3s after landing.



2. McGinnis

Deadlock McGinnis

McGinnis offers a lot of tactical support to her teammates either by zoning out enemies, offering some healing, or just harassing them with her turrets, you can bring a lot of value to every fight. 



Mini Turret (1)

  • Deploy a Mini Turret that automatically shoots enemies. The turret expires after a limited time. Turrets gain 30% of McGinnis's max health and have 50% Spirit Resist. They deal reduced damage to troopers and objectives. 
  • Level 1: +1 Ability Charge and turrets apply +25% Movement Slow 
  • Level 2: +10m Attack Range and +10% turret fire rate 
  • Level 3: +45 Turret DPS


Medicinal Specter (2)

  • Deploy a spirit that heals nearby units. 
  • Level 1: +35% Fire Rate on units being healed by Medicinal Specter
  • Level 2: -18s Cooldown
  • Level 3: +5 Max Health regen per second


Spectral Wall (3)

  • Creates a wall that divides the terrain in half. On creation, the wall deals damage and applies slow to enemies nearby. After casting, press [LMB] or [3] to erupt the wall early. 
  • Level 1: Removes 1 stamina and amplifies McGinnis's damage by 25% on hit enemies for 7s
  • Level 2: -15s Cooldown
  • Level 3: Adds a 1s Stun to enemies hit by Spectral Wall


Heavy Barrage (4)

  • Unleashes a volley of rockets that home in on a targeted location. 
  • Level 1: Applies 35% movement slow
  • Level 2: -50s Cooldown
  • Level 3: +30 Damage per rocket



1. Seven

Seven Deadlock

Seven is possibly the most broken Deadlock Hero at the time of writing this article. Not only does he deal tons of damage, but his ultimate can decide most matches in a pinch so if you want to dominate, then this is your pick. 



Lightning Ball (1)

  • Shoot a ball of lightning that travels in a straight line. Does damage to all targets in its radius. Slows down when damaging enemies and stops if it hits the world. 
  • Level 1: +1 Charges
  • Level 2: +40% Movement Slow
  • Level 3: +70 DPS


Static Charge (2)

  • Apply a charge to a target enemy hero. After a short duration, the static charge stuns and damages enemies within the radius. 
  • Level 1: -20s Cooldown
  • Level 2: +8m Radius
  • Level 3: 1.1s Stun Duration


Power Surge (3)

  • Power up your weapon with a shock effect, making your bullets proc shock damage on your target. This shock damage bounces to enemies near your target. Occurs once per burst shot. 
  • Level 1: Shock Damage applies -15% Spirit Resist for 8s
  • Level 2: 16s Cooldown
  • Level 3: +12 Shock Damage, improved Spirit scaling (*x0.5 Spirit Power), and +3 Max Jumps


Storm Cloud (4)

  • Channel a storm cloud around you that expands over 3 seconds and damages all enemies within its radius. Enemies do not take damage when they are out of line-of-sight. 
  • Level 1: +35% Bullet Resist while channeling Storm Cloud
  • Level 2: +7s Channel Time and +10m Radius 
  • Level 3: +75 DPS

And that covers the top 5 best Deadlock Heroes you should play as a beginner until you get the hang of the game. Although these are our recommendations, feel free to experiment and find a Hero that suits your playstyle. Best of luck in your games!
