Deadlock - Best Infernus Build for Beginners

We will go over the best items and skill path for new players wanting to main Infernus in Deadlock.

Deadlock - Best Infernus Build for Beginners

Deadlock is possibly the most anticipated MOBA as it combines elements from beloved games like League of Legends and Dota 2 with Counter-Strike 2 and Overwatch to form quite a fun and addictive title. 

With casual and pro players flocking to give Deadlock a try, you might find yourself wanting to main Infernus as the extensive roster of heroes can be quite overwhelming, but if you have your sights set on this fiery debonair, then we've got you covered with this beginner guide. 



Infernus Abilities and Overview

Deadlock - Best Infernus Build for Beginners

Infernus is a swift in-your-face DPS hero that can unload tons of fiery damage whilst dashing into battle, setting ablaze the entire enemy team. If you enjoy playing a glass cannon handsome devil, then you have immaculate taste. 





  • Description: Spew napalm that slows enemy movement and amplifies the damage Infernus does to them. 
  • Range: 20m
  • Duration: 6s
  • Cooldown: 25s
  • Damage Amplification: 30%
  • Damage: 50 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.3)
  • Movement Slow: 40%
  • Debuff Duration: 8s
  • Slow Duration: 4s 
  • T1: +1 Charge
  • T2: Infernus gains 20% Lifesteal against victims
  • T5: +10% Damage Amplification and -40% Heal/Regen


Flame Dash

  • Description: Move forward at high speed and leave a flame trail that burns enemies. Hold [Fire] to dash faster. 
  • Cooldown: 40s
    Max Dash Speed: 20m/s
    DPS: 40 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.7)
    Dash Time: 3s
    Dash Speed: 12m/s
    Trail Duration: 4s
    Slow resistance: 50% 
  • T1: +30% Fire Rate Slow for 7s
  • T2: +45 DPS
  • T5: -19s Cooldown



  • Description: Your bullets build up to apply a burning effect on enemies. Infernus' bullets and abilities will refresh the duration. 
  • DPS: 15 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.5)
  • Burn Duration: 3s
  • Buildup per bullet: 10%
  • Headshot Buildup: 16%
  • Buildup Decay Time: 15s 
  • T1: Victims deal -30% Spirit Damage
  • T2: +1s Burn Duration
  • T5: +30 DPS


Concussive Combustion

  • Description: Turns you into a living bomb that explodes after a short delay, stunning all enemies in its radius.
  • Radius: 12m
  • Cooldown: 127s
  • Stun Duration: 1.25s
  • DPS: 160 (Spirit Power Scaling x 1)
  • Explosion Delay: 3s 
  • T1: -38s Cooldown
  • T2: +0.5s Stun Duration and +4m Radius
  • T5: +115 Damage and 100% lifesteal from enemy heroes hit



Ability Order




  • Unlock Second
  • Upgrade T1
  • Max Out Third


Flame Dash

  • Unlock Third
  • Max Out Second



  • Unlock First
  • Max Out First


Concussive Combustion

  • Unlock Last
  • Upgrade T1
  • Max Out Last

Best Infernus Early-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Grey Talon Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items
Basic Magazine


Basic Magazine 

  • +24% Ammo
  • +15% Weapon Damage
  • Component of Titanic Magazine
Rapid Rounds


Rapid Rounds 

  • +9% Fire Rate
  • +1m/s Sprint Speed


Best Vitality Items
Enduring Spirit


Enduring Spirit 

  • +75 Bonus Health
  • +10% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +4 Spirit Power
Sprint Boots


Sprint Boots

  • +2m/s Sprint Speed
  • +1 Health Regen
  • +4% Weapon Damage
  • Component of Enduring Speed
Best Spirit Items


Infuser (Active)

  • +50 Bonus Health
  • +10% Ammo
  • Active: Gain Spirit Power and Spirit Lifesteal. 
  • +16 Spirit Power
  • +20% Spirit Lifesteal
  • 6s Duration 
Extra Spirit


Extra Spirit 

  • +9 Spirit Power
  • +1 Health Regen
  • +35 Bonus Health
  • Component of Improved Spirit



Best Infernus Mid-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Infernus Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items
Soul Shredder Bullets


Soul Shredder Bullets

  • +7% Weapon Damage 
  • Passive: Your Bullets apply a debuff that amplifies your Spirit Damage against the target and grants you Spirit Lifesteal against them.
  • 10% Spirit Amp
  • +20% Lifesteal
  • 6s Debuff Duration 
Toxic Bullets


Toxic Bullets

  • +100 Bonus Health 
  • Passive: Your bullets build up a Bleed on enemies, causing them to lose a percentage of their current health over time. Also applies Healing Reduction on the bleeding target. 
  • 5%/sec Bleed Damage
  • -65% Healing Reduction
  • 3s Duration
  • 10.3% Buildup Per Shot 


Best Vitality Items
Spirit Lifesteal


Spirit Lifesteal 

  • +23% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +75 Bonus Health
Enduring Speed


Enduring Speed 

  • +1.4m/s Move Speed
  • +2m/s Sprint Speed
  • +75 Bonus Health
  • +1.5 Health Regen
  • Passive: Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow.
  • +40% Movement Slow Resist 
Best Spirit Items
Mystic Vulnerability


Mystic Vulnerability 

  •  +6% Spirit Resist
  • Passive: When the target takes Spirit Damage, they have their Spirit Resist reduced. 
  • -12% Spirit Resist
  • 6s Duration 
Duration Extender


Duration Extender 

  • +16% Ability Duration
  • +100 Bonus Health
  • +1.75 Health Regen
  • Component of Superior Duration
Improved Spirit


Improved Spirit

  • +21 Spirit Power
  • +2 Health Regen
  • +1m/s Sprint Speed
  • +75 Bonus Health
  • Component of Boundless Spirit



Best Infernus Late-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Infernus Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items
Spiritual Overflow


Spiritual Overflow

  • +20% Fire Rate
  • +15% Cooldown Reduction
  • +10% Spirit Lifesteal
  • Passive: Gain bonus Spirit Power by charging up with your bullets on enemy heroes. 
  • +45 Spirit Power (Conditional) 
  • 0.8% Buildup Per Shot 
  • 18s Duration
Crippling Headshot


Crippling Headshot

  • +20% Weapon Damage
  • +10% Bullet Lifesteal
  • +10% Spirit Lifesteal
  • Passive: Headshots reduce target's Bullet and Spirit Resist.
  • 24% Bullet Resist Reduction
  • 24% Spirit Resist Reduction
  • 4s Debuff Duration 



  • +35% Ammo
  • +12% Fire Rate
  • +150 Bonus Health
  • Passive: Your bullets will ricochet on enemies near your target, applying any bullet procs and dealing a percentage of the original damage. 
  • 60% Ricochet Damage
  • 2 Ricochet Targets
  • 14m Ricochet Range 


Best Vitality Items



  • +35% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +35% Bullet Lifesteal
  • +175 Bonus Health
  • +12 Spirit Power
  • +15% Weapon Damage


Unstoppable (Active)

  • +150 Bonus Health
  • +15% Spirit Resist
  • +1m/s Move Speed
  • +12 Spirit Power
  • Active: Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm.
  • 6s Duration
Best Spirit Items
Boundless Spirit


Boundless Spirit

  • +60 Spirit Power
  • +25% Weapon Damage
  • +300 Bonus Health
  • +15 Health Regen
  • +3m/s Sprint Speed


Curse (Active)

  • +20% Weapon Damage
  • +8 Spirit Power
  • Active: Curses an enemy - interrupting, Silencing, Disarming, and preventing item usage. 
  • 3.25s Status Duration
  • 20m Cast Range
Escalating Exposure


Escalating Exposure 

  • +15% Spirit Resist
  • +125 Bonus Health
  • -15% Spirit Resist on Spirit Damage
  • Passive: Dealing Spirit Damage applies a stacking Spirit Amp that increases your Spirit Damage to the target. 
  • +6% Spirit Amp per Stack
  • 15s Duration
  • 0.7s Max Frequency per Target 
Diviner's Kevlar


Diviner's Kevlar

  • +20% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +12% Cooldown Reduction
  • Passive: Upon casting an ultimate ability gain temporary Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Spirit Power.
  • 700 Bullet Shield
  • 700 Spirit Shield
  • +40 Spirit Power
  • 15s Duration



Infernus Beginner Guide

Deadlock - Best Infernus Build for Beginners

Infernus is great for beginners as his kit allows you to bully enemy laners so you can rack up enough Souls to start mowing down anyone standing in your way. As a fiery dive bomber, you can quickly grab control and swing the tide of battle in your favor, whilst dealing tons of damage.

Infernus is very fun to play as you will primarily stick to the backlines of a team fight as you effectively burn the enemies' defenses. Best of luck in your Deadlock games!
