Deadlock - Best Lady Geist Build for Beginners

We will go over the best items and skill path for new players wanting to main Lady Geist in Deadlock.

Deadlock - Best Lady Geist Build for Beginners

Deadlock is possibly the most anticipated MOBA as it combines elements from beloved games like League of Legends and Dota 2 with Counter-Strike 2 and Overwatch to form quite a fun and addictive title. 

With casual and pro players flocking to give Deadlock a try, you might find yourself wanting to main Lady Geist as the extensive roster of heroes can be quite overwhelming, but if you have your sights set on this fabulous socialite, then we've got you covered with this beginner guide. 



Lady Geist Abilities and Overview

Deadlock - Best Lady Geist Build for Beginners

Lady Geist is very unique given her abilities consume her health, so her skill level is pretty high. It will certainly take some time to adjust your trading patterns during the laning phase as well as to ensure that you do not have to constantly go back to base to replenish your health.




Essence Bomb

  • Description: Sacrifice some of your health to launch a bomb that deals damage after a brief arm time. Self damage is Spirit and can be mitigated. 
  • Range: 7m
  • Cooldown: 10.5s
  • Damage: 100 (Spirit Power Scaling x 1.2)
  • Self Damage: 30 (Spirit Power Scaling x 2)
  • Arming Duration: 0.5s 
  • T1: +2m Radius
  • T2: +60 Damage
  • T5: Bombs leave a toxic mess on the ground, dealing 26% of the original damage per second, for 6s.


Life Drain

  • Description: Create a tether that drains enemy health over time and heals you. Target must be in line of sight and within max range to drain. You can shoot and use other abilities during the drain, but your movement speed is reduced by half. Press [2] to cancel. 
  • Range: 20m
  • Duration: 2s
  • Cooldown: 42s
  • Damage Per Second: 35 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.6)
  • Max Tether Range: 30m 
  • T1: +20 Damage Per Second
  • T2: +2s Duration
  • T5: Enemy is Silenced while being Life Drained (requires line of sight)



  • Description: Sacrifice some of your health to launch blood shards that apply a stack of Malice. Each stack slows the victim and increases the damage they take from you. The slow effect decreases over time. 
  • Cooldown: 6.25s
  • Health To Damage: 32 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.7)
  • Blood Shards: 3
  • Max Stacks: 5
  • Damage Amplification: 15%
  • Move Slow: 20%
  • Debuff Duration: 16s
  • Slow Duration: 6s 
  • T1: -2.75s Cooldown
  • T2: +40 Health To Damage
  • T5: +6 Blood Shards


Soul Exchange

  • Description: Swaps health levels with an enemy target. There is a minimum health percentage that enemies can be brought down to and a minimum amount of health received based on the victim's current health. 
  • Range: 7m
  • Duration: 0.2s
  • Cooldown: 170s
  • Enemy Min Health: 30%
  • Min Health Received: 30%
  • T1: -38s Cooldown
  • T2: -10% Enemy Min Health
  • T5: On cast, +40% Fire Rate and +40% Spirit Resist for 8s.



Ability Order



Essence Bomb

  • Unlock First
  • Max Out Second


Life Drain

  • Unlock Third
  • Max Out First



  • Unlock Second
  • Max Out Third


Soul Exchange

  • Unlock Last
  • Max Out Last

Best Lady Geist Early-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Lady Geist Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items
Headshot Booster


Headshot Booster

  • +5% Fire Rate
  • +40 Bullet Shield Health
  • Passive: Deal bonus Weapon Damage with headshots.
  • +40 Head Shot Bonus Damage 
High-Velocity Mag


High-Velocity Mag 

  • +30% Bullet Velocity
  • +12% Weapon Damage
  • +50 Bullet Shield Health


Best Vitality Items
Extra Regen


Extra Regen

  • +2.8 Health Regen
  • +8% Ammo
  • +25 Bonus Health
Enduring Spirit


Enduring Spirit 

  • +75 Bonus Health
  • +10% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +4 Spirit Power
Extra Stamina


Extra Stamina 

  • +1 Stamina
  • +10% Stamina Recovery
  • +7% Fire Rate
  • Component of Superior Stamina
Sprint Boots


Sprint Boots 

  • +2m/s Sprint Speed
  • +1 Health Regen
  • +4% Weapon Damage
  • Component of Enduring Speed
Best Spirit Items
Mystic Burst


Mystic Burst

  • +40 Spirit Shield Health
  • +6% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit. 
  • 35 Bonus Damage 
  • Component of Improved Burst
Mystic Reach


Mystic Reach 

  • +16% Ability Range
  • +6% Spirit Resist
  • Component of Improved Reach



Best Lady Geist Mid-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Lady Geist Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items
Mystic Shot


Mystic Shot

  • +12% Weapon Damage
  • +4 Spirit Power
  • Passive: Your next bullet deals bonus Spirit Damage.
  • +65 Spirit Damage 
  • 5s Cooldown
Soul Shredder Bullets


Soul Shredder Bullets

  • +7% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Your Bullets apply a debuff that amplifies your Spirit Damage against the target and grants you Spirit Lifesteal against them.
  • 10% Spirit Amp
  • +20% Lifesteal
  • 6s Debuff Duration 



  • +50% Bullet Velocity
  • +15% Weapon Damage
  • +150 Bullet Shield Health
  • Passive: Landing a headshot deals bonus damage, heals you for a portion of your Max HP, and briefly grants you bonus move speed.
  • +140 Bonus Head Shot Damage
  • 8% Heal per Headshot
  • +2 m/s
  • 3s Duration 
  • 6s Cooldown
Warp Stone


Warp Stone (Active)

  • +20% Weapon Damage
  • +8 Spirit Power
  • Active: Teleport straight ahead, gaining Bullet Resist. 
  • +11m Teleport Range
  • +30% Bullet Resist (Conditional)
  • 5s Buff Duration 
  • 15s Cooldown


Best Vitality Items



  • +75 Bonus Health
  • Passive: Your Spirit Damage applies Healing Reduction. If an enemy hero dies under this effect, you receive a large heal. 
  • 40% Healing Reduction (Conditional) 
  • 350 Heal on Hero Kill 
  • 6s Duration 
Spirit Lifesteal


Spirit Lifesteal 

  • +23% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +75 Bonus Health
Enduring Speed


Enduring Speed 

  • +1.4m/s Move Speed
  • +2m/s Sprint Speed
  • +75 Bonus Health
  • +1.5 Health Regen
  • Passive: Reduces the effects of enemy Movement Slow.
  • +40% Movement Slow Resist 
Improved Spirit Armor


Improved Spirit Armor 

  • +45% Spirit Resist
  • +8 Spirit Power
Best Spirit Items
Improved Reach


Improved Reach

  • +35% Imbued Ability Ability Range
  • +25% Non-Imbued Ability Ability Range
  • +10% Spirit Resist
  • +8 Spirit Power
Mystic Slow


Mystic Slow 

  • +100 Bonus Health
  • +3 Health Regen
  • +6 Spirit Power
  • Passive: If a target takes Spirit damage, they have their Movement Speed and Fire Rate reduced.
  • +30% Movement Slow
  • +40% Fire Rate Slow
  • 2s Duration 
Improved Burst


Improved Burst

  • +100 Spirit Shield Health
  • +8% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 125 damage or more in a single hit. Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it. 
  • +9% Max Health Bonus Damage (Conditional) 
Superior Cooldown


Superior Cooldown 

  • +32% Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction
  • +24% Non-Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction
  • +4 Health Regen



Best Lady Geist Late-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Lady Geist Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items



  • +12 Ammo
  • +30% Weapon Damage
  • +200 Bonus Health
  • Passive: While you are below 40% health, you gain stat bonuses. 
  • 4 m/s Movement Speed (Conditional) 
  • 40% Fire Rate (Conditional) 
  • 45% Spirit Resist (Conditional) 
Spiritual Overflow


Spiritual Overflow 

  • +20% Fire Rate
  • +15% Cooldown Reduction
  • +10% Spirit Lifesteal
  • Passive: Gain bonus Spirit Power by charging up with your bullets on enemy heroes. 
  • +45 Spirit Power (Conditional) 
  • 0.8% Buildup Per Shot 
  • 18s Duration 


Best Vitality Items



  • +35% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +35% Bullet Lifesteal
  • +175 Bonus Health
  • +12 Spirit Power
  • +15% Weapon Damage


Unstoppable (Active)

  • +150 Bonus Health
  • +15% Spirit Resist
  • +1m/s Move Speed
  • +12 Spirit Power
  • Active: Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. 
  • 6s Duration 
  • 60s Cooldown
Best Spirit Items
Escalating Exposure


Escalating Exposure 

  • +15% Spirit Resist
  • +125 Bonus Health
  • -15% Spirit Resist on Spirit Damage
  • Passive: Dealing Spirit Damage applies a stacking Spirit Amp that increases your Spirit Damage to the target. 
  • +6% Spirit Amp per Stack
  • 15s Duration
  • 0.7s Max Frequency per Target 
Mystic Reverb


Mystic Reverb 

  • +15% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +15% Spirit Resist
  • +15% Ability Range
  • Passive: Imbue an ability to apply slow in a radius around the target and deal an additional percentage of the damage dealt to enemies around the target after a short delay. 
  • +40% Damage (Conditional)
  • +50% Movement Slow (Conditional)
  • 16m Radius
  • 3s Delay Duration 
  • 6s Cooldown



Lady Geist Beginner Guide

Deadlock - Best Lady Geist Build for Beginners

Lady Geist offers a lot of skill expression as her kit is based on the high-risk, high-reward principle. Although the playstyle might seem daunting at first, you will eventually learn how to utilize her abilities to dominate any opponent. She excels in prolonged combat so rushing Vitality Items can be a great idea given how much base damage she already does. Best of luck in your Deadlock games!
