Deadlock - Best Lash Build for Beginners

We will go over the best items and skill path for new players wanting to main Lash in Deadlock.

Deadlock - Best Lash Build for Beginners

Deadlock is possibly the most anticipated MOBA as it combines elements from beloved games like League of Legends and Dota 2 with Counter-Strike 2 and Overwatch to form quite a fun and addictive title. 

With casual and pro players flocking to give Deadlock a try, you might find yourself wanting to main Lash as the extensive roster of heroes can be quite overwhelming, but if you have your sights set on this brawling sailor, then we've got you covered with this beginner guide. 



Lash Abilities and Overview

Deadlock - Best Lash Build for Beginners

Lash is an engage-heavy hero who specializes in close-ranged combat, making him quite the bruiser. He has incredible mobility and ganking options, making him aggressive, unpredictable, and a ton of fun to play. 




Ground Strike

  • Description: Stomp the ground beneath you, damaging enemies in front of you. If you perform Ground Strike while airborne, you quickly dive towards the ground. Damage grows slower after 25m. 
  • Radius: 11m
  • Cooldown: 19s
  • Stomp Damage: 90 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.8)
  • Damage Per Meter: 6 (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.05) 
  • T1: Cooldown: -9.5s
  • T2: Struck enemies are popped into the air and slowed by 50% for 3s
  • T5: Damage Per Meter +110% and improved scaling



  • Description: Pull yourself through the air toward a target. 
  • Range: 30m
  • Cooldown: 42s
  • Jump Velocity: 20m/s 
  • T1: -20 Cooldown
  • T2: +20m Cast Range and gain +6 Weapon Damage for 10s
  • T5: 20% Fire Rate to Weapons Bonus Buff



  • Description: Strike enemies with your whip, stealing life from them. 
  • Range: 25m
  • Cooldown: 26s
  • Damage: 65 (Spirit Power Scaling x 1.2)
  • Heal vs heroes: 80%
  • Attack Angle: 30° (Spirit Power Scaling x 0.5)
  • Heal vs non-heroes: 30% 
  • T1: -2.75s Cooldown
  • T2: +40 Health To Damage
  • T5: +6 Blood Shards


Death Slam

  • Description: Focus on enemies to connect whips to them. After channeling, connected enemies are lifted and stunned then slammed into the ground. Your victims and any enemies in the landing zone will be damaged and slowed. Press [Fire] to throw connected enemies early. Enemies that are not in line of sight or go out of range during the latch time will not be grabbed. 
  • Radius: 18m
  • Cooldown: 138s
  • Damage: 115 (Spirit Power Scalingx1)
  • Max Throw Distance: 12m (Spirit Power Scalingx0.3)
  • Movement Slow: 50%
  • Slow Duration: 4s 
  • T1: +100 Damage
  • T2: +8m Max Throw Distance
  • T5: -56 Cooldown



Ability Order



Ground Strike

  • Unlock Second
  • Max Out First



  • Unlock Third
  • Max Out Last



  • Unlock First
  • Max Out Second


Death Slam

  • Unlock Last
  • Max Out Third

Best Lash Early-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Lash Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items
Close Quarters


Close Quarters 

  •  +85 Bullet Shield Health 
  • Passive: Deal additional Weapon Damage when in close range to your target. 
  • +25% Weapon Damage Conditional: Close Range
  • Condition: 15m Close Range 
High-Velocity Mag


High-Velocity Mag 

  • +30% Bullet Velocity
  • +12% Weapon Damage
  • +50 Bullet Shield Health
Basic Magazine


Basic Magazine 

  • +24% Ammo
  • +15% Weapon Damage
  • Component of Titanic Magazine


Best Vitality Items
Extra Health


Extra Health 

  • +160 Bonus Health
  • +5% Weapon Damage
Enduring Spirit


Enduring Spirit 

  • +75 Bonus Health
  • +10% Spirit Lifesteal
  • +4 Spirit Power
Extra Stamina


Extra Stamina 

  • +1 Stamina
  • +10% Stamina Recovery
  • +7% Fire Rate
  • Component of Superior Stamina
Healing Rite


Healing Rite (Active)

  • +45 Bonus Health
  • +3 Spirit Power
  • Active: Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast. 
  • 370 Total Health Regen
  • +2m/s Sprint Speed
  • 17s Regen Duration
  • 30m Cast Range
  • 60s Cooldown
  • Component of Health Nova
Best Spirit Items
Mystic Burst


Mystic Burst

  • +40 Spirit Shield Health
  • +6% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit. 
  • 35 Bonus Damage 
  • Component of Improved Burst
Extra Charge


Extra Charge 

  • +1 Bonus Ability Charges
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction for Charged Abilities
  • +6% Weapon Damage
  • Component of Rapid Recharge
Improved Cooldown


Improved Cooldown 

  •  +16% Cooldown Reduction 
  • +1.5 Health Regen 
  • Component of Superior Cooldown



Best Lash Mid-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Lash Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items
Mystic Shot


Mystic Shot

  • +12% Weapon Damage
  • +4 Spirit Power
  • Passive: Your next bullet deals bonus Spirit Damage.
  • +65 Spirit Damage 
  • 5s Cooldown
Pristine Emblem


Pristine Emblem 

  • +25% Weapon Damage
  • +12 Spirit Power
  • +12% Spirit Resist
  • Passive: Your attacks have additional Weapon Damage against enemies above 50% health. 
  • +25% Weapon Damage (Conditional) 


Best Vitality Items
Health Nova


Health Nova (Active)

  • +10% Weapon Damage
  • +100 Bonus Health
  • +4 Spirit Power
  • Active: Heal yourself and nearby allies. Heals an additional 20% per ally. 
  • 260 Total HP Regen
  • 2s Regen Duration
  • 15m Radius 
Superior Stamina


Superior Stamina 

  • +3 Stamina
  • +20% Stamina Recovery
  • +30% Air Jump/Dash Distance
  • +7% Fire Rate
  • +8 Spirit Power
  • Passive: Increases the number of Air Dashes and Air Jumps that can be performed before landing from 1 to 2 
Debuff Reducer


Debuff Reducer 

  • +75 Bonus Health
  • +6% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Reduces the duration of all negative effects applied to you. 
  • 30% Debuff Resist 
  • Component of Debuff Remover
Bullet Armor


Bullet Armor 

  • +20% Bullet Resist
  • +6% Weapon Damage
  • Component of Improved Bullet Armor
Best Spirit Items
Cold Front


Cold Front (Active)

  • +10% Spirit Resist 
  • Active: Release an expanding ice blast that deals Spirit Damage and Slows targets it hits. 
  • 75 + (1.5 * Spirit Power) Spirit Damage
  • 40% Movement Slow
  • 14m End Radius
  • 3s Duration 
  • 32s Cooldown
Rapid Recharge


Rapid Recharge 

  • +2 Bonus Ability Charges
  • +55% Faster Time Between Charges
  • +25% Charged Ability Cooldown Reduction
  • +12% Weapon Damage
Improved Burst


Improved Burst

  • +100 Spirit Shield Health
  • +8% Weapon Damage
  • Passive: Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 125 damage or more in a single hit. Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it. 
  • +9% Max Health Bonus Damage (Conditional) 
Improved Spirit


Improved Spirit 

  • +21 Spirit Power
  • +2 Health Regen
  • +1m/s Sprint Speed
  • +75 Bonus Health
  • Component of Boundless Spirit



Best Lash Late-Game Items

Deadlock - Best Lash Build for Beginners
Best Weapon Items
Titanic Magazine


Titanic Magazine 

  • +100% Ammo
  • +18% Weapon Damage
  • +18% Bullet Resist
Warp Stone


Warp Stone 

  • +20% Weapon Damage
  • +8 Spirit Power
  • Active: Teleport straight ahead, gaining Bullet Resist. 
  • +11m Teleport Range
  • +30% Bullet Resist (Conditional)
  • 5s Buff Duration 
  • 15s Cooldown


Best Vitality Items
Improved Bullet Armor


Improved Bullet Armor 

  • +45% Bullet Resist
  • +10% Weapon Damage


Unstoppable (Active)

  • +150 Bonus Health
  • +15% Spirit Resist
  • +1m/s Move Speed
  • +12 Spirit Power
  • Active: Supress negative status effects and become Immune to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm. 
  • 6s Duration 
  • 60s Cooldown
Soul Rebirth


Soul Rebirth 

  • +18% Cooldown Reduction
  • +20% Weapon Damage
  • +12 Spirit Power
  • Passive: If you die, after 4s you will respawn at your death location with partial health. 
  • +50% Rebirth Health 
  • 200s Cooldown
Best Spirit Items
Boundless Spirit


Boundless Spirit 

  • +60 Spirit Power
  • +25% Weapon Damage
  • +300 Bonus Health
  • +15 Health Regen
  • +3m/s Sprint Speed



Lash Beginner Guide

Deadlock - Best Lash Build for Beginners

Lash is an offensive in-your-face DPS that can be quite agile, allowing you to choose the best way of entering or escaping a fight. His kit forces you to go into melee range and whip your opponents into a deadly flurry of attacks as well as provides setup for your teammates to unleash a powerful game-ending combo. Best of luck in your Deadlock games!
