Blizzard has just released patch 2.0.5 for Diablo 4, delivering another round of meaningful adjustments as Season 6 progresses. The Vessel of Hatred expansion introduced many new ways to progress and increase the power level of your characters, which has resulted in a very poor balance between the different classes. Even though the Spiritborn is the new class and Blizzard wants players to try it out, they quickly realized that it's way too powerful when compared to the other options. Patch 2.0.5 aims to address this issue, not by nerfing the Spiritborn, but by buffing the other classes with the hopes of creating a more even playing field. The Druid is one of these classes, and it is receiving a ton of updates, both in terms of balancing adjustments and bug fixes. Here are all of the Druid changes that are coming to Diablo 4 with patch 2.0.5!
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred - Patch 2.0.5 All Druid Changes

Mythic Unique Items
+400% Damage to Healthy Enemies replaced with +44% Damage Over Time Duration.
Damage increased from 3000% to 4000%.
Unique Items
Chill per second is now 3 times higher.
Damage distribution time increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
Legendary Aspects
Maximum active Cooldown Reduction increased from 50% to 70%.
Both effects now apply to Basic Skills even when they are not Cast, such as the free Storm Strike triggered from Greatstaff of the Crone.
Druid Class Changes
Spirit Cost reduced from 40 to 35.
Removed the 20% reduced damage when Storm Strike chains to surrounding enemies.
Poisoning damage increased from 175% to 275%.
Damage bonus increased from 30%[x] to 50%[x].
Key Passives
Companion bonus damage increased from 60%[x] to 80%[x].
Overpower damage increased from 45%[x] to 70%[x].
Werebear damage increased from 30%[x] to 40%[x].
Werewolf Attack Speed increased from 20%[+] to 30%[+].
Critical Strike Damage increased from 70%[x] to 100%[x], and from 140%[x] to 200%[x] against Injured enemies.
Base chance increased from 10% to 15%.
Bonus chance for Critical Strikes increased from 10% to 15%.
Bonus chance for hitting a Stunned, Immobilized, or Knocked Back enemy increased from 10% to 15%.
Chance increased from 35% to 40%.
Spirit gain increased from 1 to 2.
Damage increased from 45%[x] to 60%[x].
Spirit Boons
Pack Leader
Chance to reset Companion Skills increased from 25% to 30%.
Ultimate Skill duration increased from 25% to 35%.
Scythe Talons
Critical Strike Chance increased from 10%[+] to 15%[+].
Swooping Attacks
Attack Speed increased from 15%[+] to 20%[+].
Avian Wrath
Critical Strike Damage increased from 30%[x] to 40%[x].
Iron Feather
Maximum Life increased from 20%[x] to 30%[x].
Damage increased from 100% to 250%.
Healing increased from 5% to 10% of Maximum Life.
Unique Items
Damage scaling increased from 2.0% to 10.0% per 1 point of Willpower.
Stone Burst final explosion damage increased from 10-15% to 15-20%.
Stone Burst damage per size increased from 10-15% to 15-20%.
Damage increased from 100-600% to 300-900%.
Now always works against Healthy enemies instead of on the first hit. It can trigger against Bosses once every 5 seconds.
Legendary Aspects
Tectonic Spike damage increased from 120-200% to 200-300%.
Before: Tornado will seek up to 1-5 targets.
Now: Tornado will seek up to 1-5 targets and deals 30-50%[x] increased damage.
Damage increased from 40-60% to 60-80%.
Earth Critical Strike damage increased from 30-50%[x] to 50-70%[x].
Storm Skill Critical Strike Chance increased from 8-13.3%[+] to 10-15%[+].
Landslide damage increased from 70-110% to 100-140% of normal damage.
Hurricane damage per second active increased from 10.5-20.5% to 15-25%.
Poison damage increased from 30-90%[x] to 60-120%[x].
Lucky Hit Chance increased from 15% to 40%.
Damage increased from 150% to 300% of the Skill's Base damage.
And those were all of the changes to the Druid class in Diablo 4's mid-season 2.0.5 update. Hopefully this patch bridges the gap between the different classes, so we can see more diversity by the end of the season. For more Diablo 4 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of the website!