The Dragon Ball fighting game franchise has walked a long way since the start of the Budokai series in 2002. Now, after more than a decade, there's a new adventure right around the corner! Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is set to release on October 11. This highly anticipated entry in the Budokai Tenkaichi will have a huge roster of 182 characters from across the Dragon Ball universe, including fan-favorites like Goku and Vegeta, as well as unexpected additions from Dragon Ball GT which isn't canon in this universe. As Bandai Namco continues to reveal more characters in the lead-up to launch, there's a lot of an. If you're wondering which characters will be included in DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO - you're in the right place.
Table of Contents
Dragon Ball: Sparking ZERO All Available Characters
- Android 13
- Android 13 [Fusion Form]
- Android 16
- Android 17 (Z)
- Android 17 (Super)
- Android 18
- Android 19
- Anilaza
- Babidi
- Baby Vegeta (GT)
- Super Baby 1 (GT)
- Super Baby 2 (GT)
- Great Ape Baby (GT)
- Bardock
- Beerus
- Bergamo
- Broly (Super)
- Broly (Super) [Super Saiyan]
- Broly (Super) [Super Saiyan Full Power]
- Broly (Z)
- Broly [Super Saiyan]
- Broly [Legendary Super Saiyan]
- Bojack
- Bojack [Full-Power]
- Burter
- Cabba
- Cabba [Super Saiyan]
- Cabba [Super Saiyan 2]
- Caulifla
- Caulifla [Super Saiyan 2]
- Cell [1st Form]
- Cell [2nd Form]
- Cell [Perfect Form]
- Perfect Cell
- Cell Jr.
- Chiaotzu
- Cooler
- Cooler [Final Form]
- Mecha Cooler
- Cui
- Dabura
- Dodoria
- Dr. Gero
- Dr. Wheelo
- Dyspo
- Frieza (Z) [1st Form]
- Frieza (Z) [2nd Form]
- Frieza (Z) [3rd Form]
- Frieza (Z) [4th Form]
- Frieza (Z) Full Power
- Mecha Frieza
- Frieza (Super)
- Golden Frieza
- Freiza Force Solider
- Frost
- Super Garlic Jr
- Ginyu
- Gogeta (GT) [Super Saiyan 4]
- Gogeta (Super)
- Gogeta (Super) [Super Saiyan]
- Gogeta (Super) [Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan]
- Super Gogeta (Z)
- Gohan (Kid)
- Gohan (Teen)
- Gohan (Teen) [Super Saiyan]
- Gohan (Teen) [Super Saiyan 2]
- Gohan (Adult)
- Gohan (Adult) [Super Saiyan]
- Gohan (Adult) [Super Saiyan 2]
- Great Saiyaman
- Gohan (Future)
- Gohan (Future) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Z - Early)
- Goku (Z - Mid)
- Goku (Z - Mid) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Z - End)
- Goku (Z - End) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Z - End) [Super Saiyan 2]
- Goku (Z - End) [Super Saiyan 3]
- Goku (Super)
- Goku (Super) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Super) [Super Saiyan God]
- Goku (Super) [Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan]
- Goku (Super) [Ultra Instinct]
- Goku (Super) [Ultra Instinct -Sign-]
- Goku (GT)
- Goku (GT) [Super Saiyan]
- Goku (GT) [Super Saiyan 3]
- Goku (GT) [Super Saiyan 4]
- Goku Black
- Goku Black [Super Saiyan Rose]
- Goku (Teen)
- Goten
- Goten [Super Saiyan]
- Gotenks
- Gotenks [Super Saiyan]
- Gotenks [Super Saiyan 3]
- Guldo
- Hirudegarn
- Hit
- Janemba
- Super Janemba
- Jeice
- Jiren
- Jiren [Full Power]
- Kakunsa
- Kale
- Kale [Super Saiyan]
- Kale [Super Saiyan (Berserk)]
- Kefla
- Kefla [Super Saiyan]
- Kefla [Super Saiyan 2]
- Kid Buu
- King Cold
- Krillin
- Lord Slug
- Lord Slug [Giant Form]
- Majin Buu
- Majin Buu (Evil)
- Master Roshi
- Master Roshi [Max Power]
- Mr. Satan
- Nail
- Nappa
- Pan (GT)
- Piccolo
- Piccolo (Fused with Kami)
- Raditz
- Recoome
- Ribrianne
- Roasie
- Saibaman
- Super Buu
- Super Buu [Gotenks Absorbed]
- Super Buu [Gohan Absorbed]
- Spopovich
- Syn Shenron (GT)
- Omega Shenron (GT)
- Tapion
- Tien
- Toppo
- Toppo, God of Destruction
- Trunks (Kid)
- Trunks (Kid) [Super Saiyan]
- Future Trunks
- Future Trunks [Super Saiyan]
- Trunks (Sword)
- Trunks (Sword) [Super Saiyan]
- Trunks (Melee)
- Trunks (Melee) [Super Saiyan]
- Super Trunks
- Uub (GT)
- Majuub (GT)
- Vegeta (Z - Scouter)
- Great Ape Vegeta
- Vegeta (Z - Early)
- Vegeta (Z - Early) Super Saiyan
- Super Vegeta
- Majin Vegeta
- Vegeta (Z - End)
- Vegeta (Z - End) [Super Saiyan]
- Vegeta (Z - End) [Super Saiyan 2]
- Vegeta (Super)
- Vegeta (Super) [Super Saiyan]
- Vegeta (Super) [Super Saiyan God]
- Vegeta (Super) [Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan]
- Vegeta (GT) [Super Saiyan 4]
- Vegito
- Super Vegito
- Vegito [Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan]
- Videl
- Whis
- Yajirobe
- Yamcha
- Zamasu
- Fused Zamasu
- Fused Zamasu [Half-Corrupted]
- Zarbon
- Super Zarbon
Notable Characters
The list of names in DB: Sparking! ZERO is huge so let's focus on some of the important characters:
Goku (Super) [Ultra Instinct]
![Goku (Super) [Ultra Instinct] Goku (Super) [Ultra Instinct]](https://cdn.gameleap.com/images/articles/art_rKAPNKOBSK/art-img_E61Fqnr2l/1x.webp)
This is Goku's ultimate form, which he achieved during the battle with Jiren in Dragon Ball Super. This OP form makes him nearly unstoppable in battle.
Vegeta (Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan)

In his blue-haired form, Vegeta mixes together the strength of a Super Saiyan with the power of a god, as seen in Dragon Ball Super. A dangerous combination!
Frieza (Z) [4th Form]
![Frieza (Z) [4th Form] Frieza (Z) [4th Form]](https://cdn.gameleap.com/images/articles/art_rKAPNKOBSK/art-img_6VMZLW4xi/1x.webp)
Frieza is probably one of the most iconic villains in Dragon Ball Z. They also have an iconic character design, known beyond the Dragon Ball fandom.
Cell (Perfect Form)

Cell is a bio-android villain from Dragon Ball Z. He's one of the series' toughest foes, being powerful and highly intelligent.

Beerus is also known as The God of Destruction. His first appearance was in Dragon Ball Super. As a god, he's insanely powerful and probably the strongest being in the universe.
As the release of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero approaches, we're expecting even more characters from the huge Dragon Ball universe to join the roaster. We'll be here on October 11 to post even more related content. Stay tuned! Also, we'd like to thank GameRant for some of the information used in this article.