Hearthstone All New Hunter Cards in Perils in Paradise Explained

Check out all 10 new Hunter cards in Hearthstone Perils in Paradise as well as some explanations for each of them.

Hearthstone All New Hunter Cards in Perils in Paradise Explained

With Patch 30.0 of Hearthstone, players will finally gain access to the highly anticipated "Perils in Paradise" expansion. This expansion's theme revolves around a resort managed by Martin, a retired pirate embarking on a new journey of managing a tourist resort on a paradise island.

Each class in Hearthstone receives 10 new cards, including two Legendary cards, one of which is a Tourist. These cards are designed to represent various types of vacations or vacation activities, with each class embodying a specific aspect of these experiences. The new keyword, "Tourist," allows each class to experience the vacation style of another class, adding a unique twist to the gameplay.

As is tradition, beyond the thematic flavor, these 10 cards aim to introduce and enhance certain playstyles, making them more viable in the current meta. Check out all new Hunter cards below!


Hunter Cards Theme & Playstyle

For the Hunter class, the new cards explore the theme of exotic animal showcases. From the revealed Hunter cards, it's clear that Blizzard intends to emphasize a couple of gameplay ideas for this class.

One primary focus for Hunter in "Perils in Paradise" is supporting the hand-buff mechanic and repeating powerful spells with parrots. Parrots, with their tendency to repeat things, are a key feature for the class. Chatty Macaw repeats the last spell, targeting an enemy if possible. This effect, combined with the powerful spells released in this expansion, has immense potential!

The Tourist card for Hunter, named Ranger Gilly, is a Warrior tourist. Gilly grants Hunter access to all Warrior cards released in the "Perils in Paradise" expansion and has the effect, "At the end of your turn, get a 2/3 Crocolisk; Deathrattle: Give all minions in your hand +2/+3." Hunters themselves have received significant hand-buff support, but giving them access to the powerful minions that synergize with it from Warrior will be very interesting. With Gilly, Hunters also get to explore Warrior’s vacation fantasy—cooking and feasting!


Catch of the Day

Catch of the Day.webpCatch of the Day Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Common
  • Minion Type: Beast
  • Flavor text: Only its fish mother thinks it's a catch. 
  • Related Cards/Token: Delicious Worm - 1 Mana, 2/1

Pet Parrot

Pet Parrot.webpPet Parrot Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Common
  • Minion Type: Beast
  • Flavor text: You are REQUIRED to give it crackers. It's the Bird Law.  

Trusty Fishing Rod

Trusty Fishing Rod.webpTrusty Fishing Rod Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Common
  • Flavor text: That's weird… I can only catch magic carps with this old fishing rod. 


Birdwatching.webpBirdwatching Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Flavor text: A bird in the hand is worth two in the deck. 


Parrot Sanctuary

Parrot Sanctuary.webpParrot Sanctuary Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Flavor text: Did you know? It's very loud in a parrot sanctuary. This has been bird facts with Ranger Gilly. 

Furious Fowls

Furious Fowls.webpFurious Fowls Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Rare
  • Flavor text: They were already mad and you had to call them 'foul'?? 
  • Related Cards/Token: Angry Bird - 3 Mana, 3/2

Chatty Macaw

Chatty Macaw.webpChatty Macaw Golden.webpChatty Macaw Signature.webp

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Minion Type: Beast, Pirate
  • Flavor text: Stop repeating yourself! Stop repeating yourself! 

Death Roll

Death Roll.webpDeath Roll Golden.webp

  • Rarity: Epic
  • Flavor text: There's a Crocolisk on my boot! 


Ranger Gilly

Ranger Gilly.webpRanger Gilly  Golden.webpRanger Gilly  Signature.webp

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Flavor text: Get you someone who looks at you the way Ranger Gilly looks at that Crocolisk. 
  • Related Cards/Token: Island Crocolisk - 2 Mana, 2/3


Sasquawk.webpSasquawk Golden.webpSasquawk Diamond.webp

  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Minion Type: Beast
  • Flavor text: He makes your last turn this turn. But if you play him next turn, your next turn is this turn. Doing both would make this turn last turn and next turn this turn. Which turn is this next turn last turn? 

Those are all ten Hunter cards in Perils in Paradise! Now that you got to know them check out our other articles that cover all cards from the different classes in Hearthstone and their meaning!
