Helldivers 2: Best Support Weapons - Ranked & Explained

Find out the top 5 best support weapons in Helldivers 2 in this comprehensive guide.

Helldivers 2: Best Support Weapons - Ranked & Explained
Helldivers 2: Best Support Weapons - Ranked & Explained

Helldivers 2 features a variety of support weapons that provide specialized solutions for specific combat situations. Ranging from machine guns to rocket launchers, these weapons give players the firepower they need to overcome swarms of enemies or heavy armor. This article ranks the best support weapons in Helldivers 2 and explains their key strengths.

Top 5 Support Weapons in Helldivers 2

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Helldivers 2 Top 5 Best Support Weapons

Diving into the treacherous grounds of Helldivers 2 demands equipping yourself with the finest weapons available in the arsenal. While primary and secondary weapons will be your mainstay, selecting top-tier support weapons can grant you a significant advantage. 

Whether you're eradicating bugs, battling Automatons, or preparing to fight the upcoming Illuminate faction in the name of liberty, these top 5 best support weapons in Helldivers 2 are essential additions to your squad's loadout: 



1. RS-422 Railgun

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Helldivers 2 - Railgun
  • Role: Anti-Armor
  • Call-in Time: 3 Seconds
  • Cooldown Time: 480 Seconds

Earning the #1 spot is the RS-422 Railgun, the most powerful man-portable armor cracker in the game. Able to penetrate even Bile Titan armor in one shot, the Railgun hits like a lightning bolt.

Charging shots magnify damage, allowing this weapon to eliminate most targets in a single blow. The Railgun can quickly disable or cripple dangerous enemies, buying time for the team to finish them off.

Its versatility against all target types makes this gun an easy first choice for squads seeking maximum firepower.



2. GR-8 Recoilless Rifle / Expendable Anti-Tank

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Helldivers 2 - Recoilless Rifle & Expendable Anti-Tank
  • Role: Anti-Tank
  • Call-in Time: 3 Seconds
  • Cooldown Time 480 Seconds (GR-8)/70 Seconds (EAT)

No squad should deploy without a Recoilless Rifle or the lighter Expendable Anti-Tank launcher. These standard-issue rocket launchers deliver heavy punishing firepower against armored threats.

The Recoilless Rifle in particular can rapidly destroy heavy targets if reloaded by a teammate. The Expendable AT trades fire rate for ease of use by a single operator.

Both of these launchers will make short work of any tank or titan that underestimates their blast radius and armor penetration.



3. GL-21 Grenade Launcher

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Helldivers 2 - Grenade Launcher
  • Role: Anti-Infantry/Spawner Destroyer
  • Call-in Time: 3 Seconds
  • Cooldown Time: 480 Seconds

The GL-21 Grenade Launcher specializes in annihilating densely clustered enemies and priority targets like Spawners. Able to fire a variety of payloads, the Grenade Launcher makes short work of bot deployables and bug dens.

Capable of indirect fire over obstacles, this weapon is extremely effective at clearing objectives. Supply Packs grant nearly unlimited ammunition, making the Grenade Launcher a mainstay for anti-infantry area denial and target demolition.



4. AC-8 Autocannon

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Helldivers 2 - Autocannon
  • Role: Heavy Infantry Destroyer
  • Call-in Time: 3 Seconds
  • Cooldown Time: 480 Seconds

When it comes to wrecking medium enemies like Devastators or Scout Striders, the AC-8 Autocannon is a popular choice.

The Autocannon lacks the precision of dedicated anti-armor weapons, but makes up for it with its sheer volume of fire. Focusing fire on vulnerable areas like flanks and rear armor can quickly cripple or destroy targets.

With a high ammunition capacity and reasonably quick reload, the Autocannon provides very reliable fire support at close to mid-range.



5. M-105 Stalwart

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Helldivers 2 - Stalwart
  • Role: Anti-Infantry
  • Call-in Time: 3 Seconds
  • Cooldown Time: 480 Seconds

The M-105 Stalwart light machine gun offers a balance of portability and a high volume of fire.

With a blistering rate of fire up to 1150 RPM, this weapon excels at cutting down waves of lightly armored enemies. The Stalwart retains maneuverability compared to heavier machine guns, making it easier to use on the move.

While it lacks the raw damage of larger caliber weapons, the Stalwart's speed and capacity make it a great all-around support weapon.




Top 5 best support weapons in Helldivers 2:

  1. RS-422 Railgun
  2. GR-8 Recoilless Rifle / Expendable Anti-Tank Launcher
  3. GL-21 Grenade Launcher
  4. AC-8 Autocannon
  5. M-105 Stalwart

In summary, Helldivers 2 rewards selecting the right tool for the job. Support weapons shine when deployed strategically against their intended targets. Focus fire to exploit weaknesses, manage reloads diligently, and you will carry the day. To ensure a seamless fight for democracy, be sure to give the best support weapons in Helldivers 2, as outlined in this guide, a try. 
