Helldivers 2: Is the War With the Bugs Ending?

Will our latest efforts with the Termicide gas truly halt the alien threat or is Joel up to something?

Helldivers 2: Will We Permanently Contain the Bugs?
Arrowhead Game Studios

We need to spread Termicide across planets in Helldivers 2 to ensure humanity has a future. That is the current major order, hoping to permanently destroy the alien bugs. According to the Super Earth news broadcast, everything is going well. What could go wrong? It's not like dousing millions of alien insects in a dangerous concoction of chemicals could go wrong, right?

Who knows, it might be the shot in the dark we have been waiting for. We can only speculate for now, but let's go over some theories about what might be coming. 

Helldivers 2: Is the War With the Bugs Ending?
Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2: News Broadcast Explained

Arrowhead Game Studios posted a fictional news broadcast in the style of the game, stating everything is going great. Players of Helldivers 2 are suspicious. Why is Arrowhead making it sound so easy? Is the war almost won? 

With Termicide dispersion towers now installed across the barrier planets, the Helldivers have begun operations to fully operate the Terminid Control System. The Termicide is proving extremely effective, with experts saying the benefits to the local ecology far outweigh the loss of some native species.

-The fictional news broadcast from Helldivers 2.



We can ignore the loss of native species; they don't fight for democracy anyway. The broadcast goes on to say that helldivers are visiting sick kids in hospitals, like the celebrities they are. Isn't that nice?

In so many words, it's looking like the plan is simple. All we need to do is gas them, kill them, and the bug problem ends

Helldivers 2 News Broadcast Explained
Arrowhead Game Studios

People are enjoying how the developers of Helldivers 2 are handling the situation. Acting like part of the game so they can give us information on what to expect is an interesting way of keeping us hooked on the storyline. The only downside is that nobody believes them.



Helldivers 2: Will We Permanently Destroy the Bugs?

Spraying the special gas, Termicide, across these planets could be the win we need in Helldivers 2. It's not like the in-game Ministry of Truth would lie to us, right? They have already argued that Shriekers don't exist. They won't get things wrong twice, right?

Our biggest current theory is that mutated bugs will soon be roaming the planets we have doused in Termicide in Helldivers 2. Some fans are saying this is where the flying bugs have come from. It would go some way to explain why we haven't seen a lot of Shriekers yet. Some players have tried to find them, to no avail. Could this be because the Termicide hasn't spread that far yet?

Helldivers 2 Will We Destroy The Bugs Shriekers
Arrowhead Game Studios

Some fans worry that if the Termicide works in Helldivers 2, it will give room for another enemy to appear, possibly creating a galactic war on three fronts. Will this pause in the battle with the bugs cause another push from the Automatons? Are they trying to lull us into a false sense of security?

The theories go on and they're not slowing down! We have until March 19 to complete the Termicide tower major order, after that the bugs will be dead and we can surely all go home as heroes. Game Master Joel wouldn't do anything to surprise us, would he?
