Helldivers 2: New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems

In this article, we will show you every leaked primary weapon and stratagem that is potentially coming to Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2: New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems
Arrowhead Game Studios

Within the initial days following the release of Helldivers 2, players quickly identified the SG-Breaker Shotgun as the top primary weapon for the prevailing game meta. Arrowhead Game Studios is poised to enhance your arsenal with a variety of new primary weapons, innovative backpack stratagems, advanced mechs, and vehicles, all designed to invigorate gameplay.  Nobody enjoys using the same weapon repeatedly, so in this article, we will examine all the leaked primary weapons that you could potentially include in your ultimate loadout for Helldivers 2. 

All New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems in Helldivers 2

There are four weapons and two new backpack stratagems that were leaked on TikTok by madasbannanas. Here is everything we know about them so far.

Arc-12 Blitzer Shotgun

All New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios/madasbannanas



While there are no known stats for this weapon, the description 'This shotgun blasts a wide burst of high-voltage electricity that arcs between all units' suggests that this weapon will excel at dealing with swarms of smaller units. It appears to emit something akin to chain-lightning. However, like every weapon in the game, it also poses a risk of harming your teammates, indicating significant potential for friendly fire due to the bouncing arcs of the weapon.

R-36 Eruptor Rifle

All New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios/madasbannanas

This explosive bolt-action rifle fires bullets that explode on impact, offering medium armor penetration. It seems akin to a sniper version of the Autocannon, serving as a primary weapon. It is most effective for long-range use since shooting at a close target could result in self-inflicted damage due to the explosion.



SG-8P Punisher Plasma Shotgun

All New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios/madasbannanas

This appears to be an alternative version of the SG-Breaker Incendiary, firing plasma instead. It is likely most effective against Automatons, but, as the description 'exploding plasma can injure your squadmates' indicates, it also presents a high risk of friendly fire.

CB-9 Exploding Crossbow

All New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios/madasbannanas

Introducing projectiles to the game, this is the first crossbow in Helldivers 2. With its medium armor penetration and exploding damage, it seems to be a valuable addition. However, it may be more challenging to use due to gravity affecting the projectiles; arrows will have travel time and will drop the further they are shot.


B1-Supply Pack

All New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios/madasbannanas

This appears to be an expanded supply pack with six slots, compared to the current version, which has four. It's possible that there will be new support weapon stratagems requiring more ammunition than the grenade launcher, making this supply pack particularly useful.

BX-7 Displacer Pack

All New Leaked Primary Weapons & Stratagems in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios/madasbannanas



This is another defensive backpack, akin to a "cheat death" ability, that teleports the user if they take lethal damage. It could be a potential alternative to the shield backpack, depending on the cooldown length of the teleport feature.

And that concludes all the newly leaked primary weapons and backpack stratagems in Helldivers 2. Currently, we lack information on if and when they will be released in the game. Hopefully, there will be more new additions that will significantly alter the current meta.