Last Epoch: Full List of Classes & Masteries

With so many different options available in Last Epoch, let's take a look at the most important choice you will make for your character.

Last Epoch: Full List of Classes & Masteries
Eleventh Hour Games

Last Epoch is the new kid on the block in the action RPG scene, with many years of development in Early Access already in the books. With the official 1.0 version of the game finally here, it's time for players to make their choice and pick their first character for the journey ahead. With so many different options in the game, it might be overwhelming when you reach the character creation screen, as some of the choices you make will remain permanent.

The game will launch with 5 classes, each of them branching into 3 different masteries. These masteries will define your skills and playstyle for the rest of the game, so it's important to choose wisely. In this article, we are going to go over the full list of classes and masteries in Last Epoch, so you can have an easier time making your choice!

Last Epoch Classes & Masteries
Eleventh Hour Games



Last Epoch: Full List of Classes & Masteries

Last Epoch will feature 5 classes and 15 different masteries at launch. At a certain point during the campaign, you will have to permanently choose a Mastery for your character. This will lock half of the passive trees for the ones you did not choose, while providing you with the full list of options from the one you did. Here is the full list of choices you can make when you create your character in the game:

Primalist Class & Masteries

Here are the full list of masteries for the Primalist class in Last Epoch:

Class Mastery Description

Lost Epoch Primalist IconPrimalist

Shaman Icon Last Epoch


The world remembers winds that rage and tear down forests, avalanches that shatter mountainsides, lightning that cracks the sky open and demands awe. A living storm that uses nature's fury to destroy his enemies with the aid of sacred totems

Last Epoch Druid Mastery Icon


A conduit for the long-dormant power of Eterra, he bends the fury of nature to his will even as he takes the form of ferocious creatures. He is an avatar of the earth's latent power, Eterra's bastion against all that would threaten her.

Lost Epoch Beastmaster Icon


A warrior who takes command with the might of beasts, leading by example with strength and power. He charges forward, the ferocity of his companions infusing his body - the heart of the wild beats within him. Fury leading his way.




Mage Class & Masteries

Here are the full list of masteries for the Mage class in Last Epoch:

Class Mastery Description

Lost Epoch Mage IconMage

Lost Epoch Sorcerer Icon


A master of the arcane who wields unprecedented power to devastate his foes from a distance. Unearthly lightning erupts from his fingertips, flaming meteors rain from the heavens by his will, the very fabric of reality reshapes itself in his presence.

Last Epoch Spellblade Icon


A mage who has mixed martial prowess with their mastery of spells to face enemies in close range. A sword coated in ice and flame, a shield gleaming with wards. The Spellblade is as brilliant as he is deadly.

Last Epoch Runemaster Icon


A savant who tamed the power of raw arcane, weaving its chaos with the art of runes. The Runemaster infuses magic into offensive and protective wards that devastate those who trespass them, ensnaring his foes, raising walls at his whim.




Rogue Class & Masteries

Here are the full list of masteries for the Rogue class in Last Epoch:

Class Mastery Description

Lost Epoch Rogue IconRogue

Lost Epoch Bladedancer Icon


An artisan of shadows, she dashes out of the reach of her enemies, each movement another deadly cut. Her blade finds its target, and the next, again and again, they fall. She dodges their strikes and makes them pay dearly for it. She dances and kills.

Last Epoch Marksman Icon


One arrow pierces through a heart and shatters a skull behind it - the next arrow jolts from her bow, sparks crackling in its path. The arrows break one body, then another, and another, a dozen dead - still, more come. She has enough arrows for them all.

Last Epoch Falconer Icon


Never fight alone. Never fight fair. A master tactician who employs deceptive traps and the aid of a fearsome bird of prey. She survives due to her wits, ingenuity, and most of all, due to her falcon's loyalty.




Acolyte Class & Masteries

Here are the full list of masteries for the Acolyte class in Last Epoch:

Class Mastery Description

Last Epoch Acolyte IconAcolyte

Lost Epoch Necromancer Icon


Flesh, bone, blood, and the lingering essence left in life’s wake; these are her tools, her weapons. She is the master of a forsaken army, her dark creations swarming her foes with the hunger of the dead. A hunger borne from her power and fed at her command.

Last Epoch Lich Icon


An acolyte who has embraced the corruptive nature of her power and uses the magic of blood and death at the expense of her own health. Stealing life, consuming the essence of the dead and the damned for strength. This power will make her invincible.

Last Epoch Warlock Icon


A master of the forbidden arts, she tears into the essence of her foes, twisting and corrupting their spirits. Curses that dim the mind and break the body, the faintest word from her lips bear vile enough magic to snuff the life of her enemies entirely.




Sentinel Class & Masteries

Here are the full list of masteries for the Sentinel class in Last Epoch:

Class Mastery Description

Last Epoch Sentinel IconSentinel

Last Epoch Paladin Icon


Where a blow would strike him down, the light within rises; when his allies would cower, this light gives him the ability to lead. A righteous warrior focused on empowering and healing his allies who can take down swaths of enemies with holy fire.

Last Epoch Void Knight Icon

Void Knight

A sentinel who has taken part of the Void inside himself and uses it to devastate his foes. His swings leave trails of Void that eagerly consume the essence of his enemies, darkness eating them away from the inside out.

Last Epoch Forge Guard Icon

Forge Guard

Skill, strength, steel, and the knowledge his training will prevail. His strikes are surer than hope, and his armor is stronger than despair a bulwark of steel whose mastery of weapons, armor, and molten metal dominates the battlefield.

That covers the full list of classes and masteries that will be available at the launch of Last Epoch. More are surely going to be added in the future, but for now, these are the choices you will have for your adventure through the world of Eterra. For more Last Epoch news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!
